
Acne GRRR GO AWAY!!!!!!?

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Ok, I don't have horrible acne, but I often breakout. I am so sick and tired of acne and I want to get to the point of trying to get rid of scars instead of keeping it away. So if you can give me natural remedies, and stuff cultures use to keep it away. Like african, european, native american, west indian remedies. I am 15 years old, I am a boy. I also want to know if food is a cause of my breakouts, and do you consider doing a digestion cleanse? I have tried proactive, I have tried glycerin bars, I have tried Nutrigena, Salicylic scrubs/soaps face washes. The salicylic has worked best for me, But i seem to still breakout. Does hormones have something to do with this too? If yes, is there something I can do to deal with it safely? I take a organic multi-vitamin and anti-oxidants, and Vitamin B6 to neutralize my oil glands in my face. Thanks!




  1. You can try 15-25mg of zinc up to three times a day (Do not exceed 100 mg a day) and 2 mg of Copper once per day to help heal the skin from the inside out. Also make sure to take a good Probiotic (healthy bacteria found in yogart and in supplement form) everyday to keep up the immune system.

  2. Yes, hormones could certainly have something to do with it.  You need to ask a doctor about all of this.

    Beware of using any acne products unless they have been prescribed or recommended by your doctor.  People make all kinds of suggestions about the best thing to do to cure acne.  Some cures I’ve heard include putting oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, tea tree oil, cucumber, vinegar, milk of magnesia or toothpaste on your face.  Practically every cosmetics company and company that makes personal care products makes something that is a “sure cure” for acne.  If we think about this, and use some common sense, we have to come to the conclusion that there is no quick or easy cure for acne, because if there was it would be well known and doctors would be telling everyone about it.  

    Numerous companies make a lot of money persuading people to buy products that at worst will make the acne worse, and at best may help some people a little.  Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne much worse by using too many products.  There really is no quick fix for acne.  Don’t spend a lot of money on products just because their ads say that they will cure acne.  Your doctor is the best person to ask for help, and he or she may recommend some prescription medication or non-prescription treatment that may be suitable for you..  

    There are some very simple and basic things you can do that cost nothing.  Keep your face or any other area affected by acne very clean.  Any mild antibacterial soap will help with that.  Rinse the area well to remove all soap residue.   Drink plenty of water – it really does help to clear up acne.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  A healthy life style will make a difference.  Try to reduce the stress in your life – stress contributes to acne, so also probably the more you worry about the acne and focus on it, the worse it will be.  

    Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.  

    Here are a few informative links with additional ideas about preventing and treating acne.

  3. To be honest, the only thing that really triggers acne is overactive hormones. Testosterone (the primary male hormone) often causes our facial pores to release more oil via the sebaceous glands (or oils glands). Products such as salicylic acid simply attempt to dry out the facial pores, in hopes of reducing the amount of oil produced. In order to actually prevent, and get rid of your acne, you should try seeing either your family doctor, or a dermatologist. The most your family doctor will do is prescribe an oral antibacterial medicine which will prevent pore clogging bacteria from building up, thus reducing or hopefully eliminating your acne. However, if this still fails to help, your dermatologist will be able to prescribe something known as Accutane, which contains an intense form of vitamin- A (don't go looking to take vitamin- A pills thinking it will help you, the dose is simply not strong enough). Accutane is a medication that has the potential to seriously irritate your skin during its course. Severe dryness, redness, and itching are usually the main side-effects. Severe dry lips is the most common side-effect, which can be controlled by lip balm during the course of the medicine, and will disappear following the medicine. Hopefully this information helps you out! Good luck!

  4. What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

    P.S. I also know someone who used to suffer from severe acne for 14 YEARS and finally got rid of it completely. She's sharing her story at her site:

    Maybe you could learn from her inspirational story


  5. If your talking about sweets and fats that contribute to acne are all myths...seriously. Eating healthy though gives you a benefit; staying fit and glowing skin. Don't worry, I've been through what you had, but worst. Yes hormones play a big role, but you can control it; join a sport, I swear. All that sweating works. Plus, it will get your mind off things, like "Stress?!"

    Don't have time? DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!!!

    Try washing your face with an Aveeno soap bar (day/night) and put on the acne stress free gel from neutrogena. It's the best routine for me, and its working pretty well.

    *works well with a body sponge [scrub gently]

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