Ok, I don't have horrible acne, but I often breakout. I am so sick and tired of acne and I want to get to the point of trying to get rid of scars instead of keeping it away. So if you can give me natural remedies, and stuff cultures use to keep it away. Like african, european, native american, west indian remedies. I am 15 years old, I am a boy. I also want to know if food is a cause of my breakouts, and do you consider doing a digestion cleanse? I have tried proactive, I have tried glycerin bars, I have tried Nutrigena, Salicylic scrubs/soaps face washes. The salicylic has worked best for me, But i seem to still breakout. Does hormones have something to do with this too? If yes, is there something I can do to deal with it safely? I take a organic multi-vitamin and anti-oxidants, and Vitamin B6 to neutralize my oil glands in my face. Thanks!