
Acne Gel burns my face..why?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so just 4 days ago my doctor has prescribed stievamycin to me and it's been working amazing, I've seen results the first time i applied it! But just 2 days ago after appalling it at night I woke up suddenly at 3 AM to find this irritating itchy sting! I thought it was nothing, but I somehow managed to fall asleep. When I woke up at like 9:00AM the pain wasn't there anymore. Then the next night(which is yesterday) I applied it again and also at 2:00Am I felt an itchy irritation. I woke up at 8 which is right now and it doesn't hurt anymore. Why is this? I also apply it during the day and it doesn't do this, is this some kind of side affect? I love this product and I don't know why it's doing this. Maybe my skin has to get used to it?




  1. You need to call your doctor's office and ask this question.  It may be a common side effect, but you need to ask the doctor.  I am glad it is working for you.

  2. yeah I mean you can tell by the results that it's working. I know doctors are afraid of people tanning because it can irritate their skin when using the products like you are using. It also may be because it has gotten all of the oil out of your skin and now goes deeper into your pores to prevent it, instead of stopping it. You may want to talk to your doctor, or if you are afraid he will take it away and you'll get the acne again maybe do some research on google for it. It may cause this for a lot of people. But if you have eben tanning lately that I know could cause it.

  3. Just b careful cos i had similar problem the cream which i was given by my dermatologist n i cudn't go anywhere for 2 weeks it worked too but i had to stop the cream cos i had reaction it was ithcy,burning n my skin was peeling,around my eyes it was all red like dark circle and sum dry patches around my upper lips so i rang her up again and she asked me to use sorblene for 5 days it was just disaster n guess how much i paid for her $180 dats y just b careful there're heaps of product out there n at the moment i don't know what to use cos i really have sensitive skin so you gotta make sure your skin type too gud luck

  4. sometimes its a sign it is working but if it gets very itchy, your skin worsens or goes red then you may be suffering from a reaction and you should ask your doctor for another cream/gel

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