
Acne HELP!!!!!!!!!! ?

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I have a lot of breakouts on my forehead and chin. I start school in a week and I want to have clear skin for the first day of school! Any tips, tricks, or solutions will help! Thanks soooo much for helping me!!!




  1. my cousin actually said before she went to bed every night she used honey with sugar and rubbed it on her face and in less then a month most of them were gone

  2. i ahd the same problem last year . i got the nuetrgena wave and it worked amazing ! just use it every morning and night and when yur done but mosturizing cream on

  3. Steam your face, then while your face is still wet, red and the pores look big wash your face with a good cleanser do not use a washcloth or a scrub after steaming your skin, it will just make you irritated.  After drying off your face then wait about 10 to 15 minutes to put on a medication.  You can try this everyday until the first day of school.  

  4. Stridex 2 in 1 use the gel at night and the pads in the morning and before bed then apply gel! works great.

  5. i have the exact same problem!! if you get a good answer, tell me!

  6. use face cleanser.,or that prevent acne.,wash it 3x a day.,

  7. The Neutrogena Acne Transparent Facial Bar can help with that. It worked for me =). Don't forget you can also ask your doctor and they can refer an ointment or a dermatologist that can help if your acne is severe.  

  8. Loads of acne treatments here.

  9. i think that if it is real bad u need to go to a dermatologist for help.  if it is not too bad, u could try some home remedies, like applying sandalwood paste and turmeric power mixed with rose water on them.  try staying indoors away from the heat of the sun. cut out fats, oils, and chocolates from your diet, drink lots and lots of water, eat fresh fruits and drink fresh fruit juice.

  10. I doubt you can achieve a completely clear complexion in a week but you can try clinque acne solutions (it comes with a wash, a toner and a moisturiser) It is quite expensive though but trust me it works wonders. You could also try nutrogena i have had some sucsess with that (not as good as clinque) try an exfoliator and do that once every two days, and a mild face wash that you can use twice a day. make sure you moistuirse though because washing your face can strip your skin of important oils and that just makes your body produce more oil than usual thus creating spots

    if your acne is really bad try talking to your doctor who can refer you to a dermatologist, they will perscribe you creams and tablets which really work (only as a last resort)

    Trust me Clean & Clear doesn't work  

  11. Washing my face with rubbing alcohol always helped me.

    It may dry your face out though.

    Its worth a try.

  12. Something that really helped me was to steam my face 2x a day. Pot of hot water with a towel over the head for like 5 mins then wash your face and pat dry. it helps get all the dirt an oils out of your pores wthout over drying your skin.

  13. cucumber works its best if its right from the garden.

  14. proactive works a lil, indiferin is probably a lil better.

  15. I know this sounds retarded, but toothpaste helps! Smear it on your spots, and leave it overnight. By the morning, your skin and spots should be drier and they will go away faster. Plus your face smells nice and minty xD Trust me, it works.

  16. You mix lemon juice and cinnamon powder one tablespoon, rub it on your face. let it soak for a few minutes. then rinse off, do this in about an hour you can feel the results, your face may burn when you apply the mixture,and then after you rinse your face may itch don't ich. the result of burning and itching will last a few minutes. do this over a five day period once a night. or rub sugar on your face till it dissolves. I am going to school to i had acne but now my face is clear. it is good to use see ya

  17. Use proactive It is the best way to take out the pimples

  18. use the mary kay acne treatment gel

  19. use hot water on wash cloth with mild soap three times a day

    . ,dont pick at it or it gets worst.  some pus will stay there and you wont know it untill it greows back

  20. i have actually the same problem

    i have found that foundation can help soften them and not as obvious

    hope this helped


  22. Use Proactv. It gets rid of Acne.  

  23. It's hard to say, everyones skin is different and time constraints are different for all of us. The best advice is get Proactiv and use is 3 times a  day. Also, get the Proactiv mask and use it everyday. The toner is really important, so anytime you think of it, wipe your face down with it to remove excess oil. Also, change you pillowcases each night and wash your hair right before bed. Other than that, it's all up to your body
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