
Acne problem. i really need your help.?

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i have a lot of acne and need to get rid of it before the school year which starts september 3rd..plzzzz help me... no money for OTC products or only 13..




  1. Well if you're acne is really bad, then I doubt you'll be able to get rid of it completely before the school year starts. But, you can make a drastic difference depending on what products you use. I'm only 15 and i used to have bad acne too, so I can understand you're money problem. So here's what I did, and if you do this everyday, I promise you'll see a difference within just a few days!

    Step 1: Use a gentle cleanser to cleanse and open your pores. You don't need to spend a lot of money on this, just get whatever you can afford. But if you have sensitive skin, then stay away from benzoyl peroxide because it will do more harm than good. (read the directions on the bottle for proper application)

    Step 2: Use a gentle toner to really get the dirt out of your pores. Sorry, not sure about the price on this one, but again you can get away with the cheapest brand.

    Step 3: Now I'm going to let you in on a beauty secret that I learned from a skin care expert. Moisturizer. Serioulsy! Yes, acne is formed from the extra oils in your skin, and most acne products try to strip your skin of those oils to get rid of the pimples. Not a good idea! Because with those oils gone, your body makes EXTRA oils to replace them! So after using the toner, use a facial lotion to give your skin the proper amount of oils it needs. Make sure the bottle says FACIAL lotion, because body or hand lotion is too thick, or so I've heard. This is the most important step, and if you can't get the lotion (again, cheapest brand is fine) then just forget the whole thing. I don't think it's that expensive though. Oh, when you first start doing this, do it just once a day for a few days. Later you can switch to twice a day, but if it irritates your skin cut back to just once a day before bed. Trust me, it'll still work. Be patient and good luck with school! =)

  2. tell your parents to take you to a dermatologist,

    and most important: don't stress out, that causes more acne

  3. i am 13 too!

    umm ProActiv can work but otherwise

    just wash your face daily and try to see if you can get a medicine from a dermatologist.

    i went to a dermatologist and they gave me a medicine called BenzaClin i forgot if it was over the counter or not,but i don't think so.

    toothpaste works too

  4. What really works for me is Dove Bar (the White Bar) try that and see if it works. I've been using it and I have not had a breakout in mths.  

  5. Poor cutie. I suffered from acne for years, and still do from time to time. Tried every potion and lotion under the sun to no avail.

    Last year I went to a kinesiologist who said that I was allergic to dairy and wheat produce. Because I had gone and paid a lot of money for the consultation (to deal with work-related stress and not diet or acne), I decided to give up all dairy and wheat for a month. No bread, pasta, cookies, ice cream etc was a killer, but believe it or not, my skin cleared up.  I lived on rye bread and humus as bread substitutes but ate normal meals as well and didn't deprive myself of any other foods.

    My clear skin was such a bonus.

    If it's sunny where you are, exposure to god's rays is another great treatment.

    I really really do feel for you and know the effects that acne can have on your confidence.

    The no wheat no dairy thing really does work. It takes self discipline but if I knew then what I know now.....

  6. If you have to go ALL natural without using products..? I would suggest trying to find a mask on the net. Maybe somethingg with really helpfulingredientss. I heared lemon juice really dries out acne, maybe try washing your face with that tonight and sleeping on it.. Sorry I couldnt help more. Good luck with this! :)

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