Ok so I have used almost everything on the market to see which brand helps best with acne. I would say Nuetrogena products would be good, but not as good as this product called Bye Bye Blemish, in which you cannot buy in stores anymore. I even have tried proactive and brands alike and they get rid of acne but within days. Bye Bye Blemish shrank and helped the acne within, minutes and hours and significantly shrank the blemish til almost gone. Others brand seems to shrink them over long periods or they just become bigger, then go away. The main ingredients used in those were Sylic Acid, Benzyl Peroxide. The stuff that worked for me was mainly sulfur, and I looked up sulfur an it actually does good for the skin and I tried the soap it works ok, but not on the spot working like the stuff I used. Does anyone know of any acne products with sulfur or a home rememedy that can shrink down a blemish by chance? Thanks!