
Acne scars....??????????

by  |  earlier

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is it possible for dermatologists to get rid of them if the right treatment is done?

im 14 and i have them all over the sides of my face....and i feel so self concious...i hate looking at myself in the mirror.

since im 14, i dont want the laser treatment and all that cuz im not old enough.

but is it possible to be able to get rid of acne scars with products or other treatments?

and do dermatologists really help....or are they there to just take your money? please help me! thanks...




  1. OMG! i went to a dermatologist 2 months ago! i had svereee acne! he gave me pills and an acne medication called differn, you may have seen it on t.v. i love that day! scince then i had not had opne pimple!  i have been using it for 2 months now. and all my acne that i had is momstly gone and i had not had on break out... so imagine in three monthes wat it will be like.. i will have baby soft skin. but i do still have a few scars from poping and picking my zits becouse differn dosent help from scarring... but i asked him wat will and he said just buy a bottel of coco butter and start taking vitamin e pills as well... i done exaclty wat he said and wow! in 3 weeks! no scars at  all!!!! dermitologist are amazing! they arent that expensive and they aare veryy coming.. you can find them everywere. and you will be very glad you went! no they are not just a scam of money. i promise you! i am also 14 and as of 2 months.... ance free!!! =D

    so try going to a dermaologist. you deffenatly wont regret it!

  2. Go to the your docter,

    and ask for Lynderm.

    It works AMAZING!!

  3. A ten-year acne sufferer myself, I will show you how I cured my acne condition in 3 days the natural way, saved myself from further scarring, and stopped wasting my money on expensive medications and over-the-counter products!

    For, More Information,  

  4. Hello,

    I have personal experience with this problem and know how stressful and depressing acne and the scars it leaves behind can be. It is good that you are under the care of a dermatologist, as moderate to severe acne had a tough time being treated with over the counter products. You can ask your dermatologist of treatments such as microdermabrasion or glycolic peels would help your situation. These treatments would lessen the overpigmented areas of the acne scar by removing the surface layer of hte skin to reveal the newer skin underneath. You also might ask your dermatologist about a skin prescription lightening product such as Epiquin Micro with hydroquinone in it that can lighten the scars. You can also try a over the counter skin bleaching cream with hydroquinone called Ambi  ( make sure you get the Oily skin version). You apply this cream on the affected areas two times a day for no more than 3 months at a time. I have found this product to be very good at treating conditions such as hyperpigmentation and acne scarring.

    Hope this helps!

    Check out my Blondes only blog at :


    miss blondissima!

  5. try mederma, it takes a while, but it works :)

    also you should use biore ice cleanser- takes away scars and stops you from breaking out, i loveeee it :)

  6. Yes dermatologists can provide treatments to remove acne scars, but you might be a little too young for some of them. Dermatologists really do help, they're specialized doctors just like if you were going to see a cardiologist for your heart. There are products available over the counter to resurface your skin, removing acne scars but again I think you are too young to be using them. For now you should just exfoliate regularly and when you get a little older you can either get a face peel, laser resurfacing or use a home face product with glycolic acid.  

  7. I use a product called, StriVectin-SD. I've been using it for about five years now, and I not only had scar's from acne but sun damage. All of my friends, say my skin looks amazing! I only use it once a day, in the morning, before I put on my make up, It's kind of expensive, but you can make it last along time. My tube lasts about a year. Try it and "Good Luck"! Hollywood............

  8. try vitamin E oil or tea tree oil.

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