
Acne solutions(home remidies)?

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I am starting my 1st year at high school (9th grade)in 4 days! and my skin broke out....REALLY BAD!! What are some VERY VERY VERY fast home remidies that REALLY work to get rid of acne?




  1. Ok! I'm a p*****n and I had acne. First, find what works for you, either Benzol Peroxid, or Saylaic Acid,(I use Saylaic Acid and I use Stridex). Then when your find what works best star a routine. Then start drinking lots of water. I drink a big Taco Bell cup every night and sometimes I drink 2. After a few days you will get sick of drinking soooo much water but keep doing it, and you will see some results after 2 days!

  2. hi! i feel your pain, acne really sucks! anyway, this homemade remedy has been going around the internet for years, and it really works.

    first, wash your face with warm water and towel dry.

    next, take your toothpaste, (the NON-jel kind. colgate works well) and put a little dab of it on each pimple. (this dries them out)

    wait 15-20 minutes, and rinse your face.

    the results may not be immediate (results may take an hour or 2 to show), but this does work!

  3. There are many natural remedies for acne.  Before bed use this treatment. First, slice a lime in half cross-wise.  Dip the lime half in white sugar.  Rub in a circular motion all over you face for several minutes.  This removes all the blackheads.  Then apply toothpaste to the pimples and let it dry until the next morning.

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