
Acne tips for face?...?

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I am 16 year old boy and i get acne all over my face. Mainly on my forehead. I use some of this netrogena stuff but it does not work too well. I need some tips. THanks




  1. Try using the 'Clean & Clear Exfoliating Scrub". It's

    sold at about any store that sells make-up, and is only three bucks!

    Make sure you use it twice a day, every day; if you skip a wash, you're

    face will break out like crazy the next morning... But if that happens, try

    'Adult Acnomel'; it comes in a tube, and whenever you break out

    or get problem zits, just dab it on just before you go to bed. When

    you wake up, just rinse your face with water until it is all gone. You

    may need to repeat for a couple days, and you have to be patient.

    It might dry up your skin, or your acne, and turn them into scabs so

    that they will come off and not leave scars. 'Adult Acnomel'

    also works to reduce the appearance of pimple scars, too!

    After you wash your face of the brown cream, and wash your

    face with the exfoliator, make SURE you use toner; it takes

    away left over make-up, oil, and face wash that you forgot

    to get. (Be careful not to put any toner on your under eye, it will cause

    them to get darker!) I would

    recommend any toner by 'Clean & Clear', because

    they are great for sensitive/oily/dry skin! Just dab some

    on a cotton boll and go over your entire face (neck and jaw, too if

    you want).

    Make sure you use the exfoliator and toner twice a day, EVERY DAY,

    and don't skip any days! If your face gets dry, use

    a tiny bit of 'Clean & Clear Morning Burst Shine Control Cream',

    which takes care of shine, and dry/flakiness of the face, too.

    Don't switch exfoliators, it will disrupt the balance of your

    acne, which could result in red permanent bloches in extreme


    Your acne should start to clear up in about a week. After that,

    continue the routine, and be patient! Good luck! :). This should total

    up to about fifteen dollars.

  2. There is no quick fix for acne.  Your doctor may recommend some prescription medication.  Keep your face very clean.  Drink plenty of water.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  Try to reduce the stress in your life.  Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.   Here are a few informative links with additional home treatment ideas.

  3. Stidex!

    wash your face morning and night with a fash wash... i use Mary-K.

    Then wipe your face with one of the stridex pads every moning and night.

    Hope I Helped <3.

  4. Oxy is very male-oriented. Try their face wash, and then their pads.

  5. i have the same problem, except im a girl. i have tried many of the things from drugstores, but saw no results. i would say you should set up an appointment with a dermetoligist, and they can prescribe cream/pills for you. i did that and i have less acne then i did before i went. if you do that, just remember its not gonna clear up right away, it will take a bit, but you will start to see a difference. oh, and remember to drink lots of water, and make sure you clean your face everyday. :]

  6. you should get a spot treatment

    with 10 % benzoyl peroxide like

    clean & clear persa-gel 10.

    and use a cleanser like neutrogena

    oil-free acne wash. i get acne ONLY

    on my forehead, and this is working

    well for me.

    it might seem a little fruity, but you should

    use a mask once a week, too. if that's not

    for you, then use a scrub.


  7. use a face wash with benzoly peroxide (at least 5% and no more than 10%). apply it to your face about 3-5 minutes after getting in a steamy shower. the steam will open your pores allowing the face wash to penetrate and more effectively do its job. also, make sure you are chugging the water and green tea, girl! and lay off the caffine because your body processes caffine the same way it processes stress which makes you break out. if you have red spots, ice them to reduce redness and inflamation, then follow with a cortizone lotion (this has a steriod that calms and soothes redness) good luck and i hope this helps!

    if you have the time & money, i reccomend a glycolic peel. they're absolutley perfect :)

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