
Acoustic-electric guitar?

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I plan to buy a guitar this summer but I can't figure out what exactly is an acoustic-electric guitar. I don't know much about guitars so I don't understand what the websites that I am finding are saying cause they are either explain it with words I can't comprehend or with few to no words about this type of guitar.




  1. Acustic-Electric= A guitar that can be played with or without an amp or other hookups and gadgets.

    Nylon String: A guitar that has nylon stirings, better sound, easier on the fingers, but a little quieter.

    Steel String: A guitar with steel strings, louder, worse sound quality, hard on the fingers

    Solid top: A guitar with the top or front being made with a solid piece of wood, great sound, good resonation, expensive.

    Laminated top: A guitar with the top or front made with a plywood piece that's laminated for durability. Cheap, but bad sound quality.

    Classical Guitar: A guitar with nylon strings that's just an acoustic.

  2. It's a guitar that is an acoustic but can be plugged in (that doesn't mean it can't have distortion though).  It can be plugged into any amp a guitar can be plugged into.

    If you're looking for one, look at the acoustic looking ones and look for a port where you can put the connector for the amp.

  3. I'm not really sure myself but there are acuostic guitars that can be plugged into an amp like an electric guitar. I'm assuming that's what it is.

  4. I bought one about eight months acoustic electric guitar is one that can be played like and hookups....or you can plug it into an amp and play it like an electric.....Yamaha makes a very nice sounding one for about $250.00.....even less when on sale. Of course they have less expensive ones but they don't sound as nice....and they do have the more expensive ones....but for the beginner I'd advise the more moderately priced one....this is one that many of my students buy. You can get them at the Guitar Center.Don't buy the first one that you try, sit and play them all in your price they all sound a little different.....and they all have a little different sound and action. I hope that this helped, good luck !!!!!!!

  5. it means it can be plugged in to an amp and a pedel with the pedal it sounds wicked cool trust me

  6. Acoustic has a simplier sound and a basic guitar. it is the classic guitar and is usually taught before the electric guitar. Colbie Calet and john mayer play the acoustic guitar.

    The Electric guitar is a louder, harder rock sound. It looks smaller and needs an amp.

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