
Acoustic guitar Restringing problem?

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I am restringing my Greg Bennett acoustic guitar for the first time, and I have hit a snag with it so far. The B string's peg keeps on popping out while I tune the string, regardless of how tight I put it in there. Even holding it in place doesn't work, as it pops out as soon as I let go. Am I doing something wrong? I've done the first four strings fine so far, yet this one is proving quite stubborn. Advice on the subject would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Sorry, it's like fingernails on a chalkboard...

    Guitars don't have pegs - violins do.

    Guitars have tuning machines and bridge pins.

    I find it unlikely the pin doesn't fit the hole anymore unless you damaged it by maybe pulling up the pin before releasing the tension on the old string; or by gouging out the hole by not feeding the string in the groove.  If the pin snugs up when you press it down with thumb pressure, the problem is likely either you have switched to heavier guage strings and your pin is not accomodating the new one, or more likely you are feeding too much of the ball end in.  Hold the ball end just down the hole while inserting the pin; visualize the ball just starting up the pin groove. Pin pop is normal as the ball comes up from under the pin to wedge into the groove and torque the pin as tension is applied - this is why you slack and cut the old string first, then the pin comes up easily (theoretically).  It pops because the ball is grabbing the bottom of the pin and pulling it straight up rather than wedging.  Hope this helps.

    Good luck.

  2. You most likely don't have enough excess string, if this is so then return the strings to where you bought them and get a new set or replace that one string.

  3. The guitar peg hlder costs .75 cents max...Buy a few and keep some spares.

    Before doing that, try another one from your other strings and see if it does the same thing. If not, then you knos that its' the peg.

    What I usually do, is  swtich in between them, and the one that doesn't hold good, I use it on the smallest string and that, usually works 99% of the time.

  4. Have you looked at the grooves on the peg?  Make sure that is facing the right way.  You want to put the little ball at the end of the string under the point of the peg.  Kind of bend it a little so that it loops under the hole.   Take No.2 lead pencil and where the grove on the bridge from the B string fill in with the pencil.  I don't know why it works but it is an old timer thing.  Then you must also make sure that you are taking one string out at a time.  Don't ever take all the strings off and restring this will warp the tension in the neck and that might contribute to the problem.  If it still pops out after that.  Go to the music store and buy a new peg.  The hole must have gotten bigger.

    Good Luck,

  5. Several things...

    1) If the peg is loose when you push it all the way down WITHOUT the string in question, then the peg is not properly fit and you should use a different peg.

    2) If it is not loose, but pops up only when you begin to tune, the problem is that the ball end of the string is resting on the underside of the peg, which it should not. Take a pair of pliars or something and bend the ball end downwards and then place the string in the hole with the ball headed towards the neck end of the guitar. The ball should rest on the underside of the bridge. Before trying to bring to pitch or wrap around tuning peg, give the string a really good yank upwards and keep pushing the peg back in until the string will not move anymore and the peg does not come up...then begin to wind the string.

    3) If neither of these apply to you, only your local repairman can help you sort out the problem. They should not charge you for this service unless you need a new part.

    Much luck, and peace bro..

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