
Acting-Cinema Career... L.A or N.Y.C?

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Hello ppl. im from venezuela as u can see my name is Daniel. what city would u choose for acting, cinema or Tv career for life xD.. im goin' to end tha high school next year and perhaps, i want fame and all that stuff but here in venezuela the cinema is not that good... then im thinking bout' movin' to L.A or N.Y.C .. to study at a university (filmmaking, Tv programs, cinema produtcion and acting) and all that study stuff.. get a job and rent an sutend room. Greets.




  1. L.A. is more for film acting and N.Y.C is more for a serious actor wanting to do theater. Take acting classes and get a manager and go to any audition you can to build experience and resume. Good luck!

  2. Ok.....Umm, both those cities are considered to be the realms of fame opportunities. Either city will suffice. It's your ability to be a skillful actor/actress that will push u into 'fame.' But be forwarned..........If that's all u want, there are other ways to get it. Acting is a craft...A craft that needs to be honed. It's art. A way to make masterpieces.

    When I get there.....I hope to see u:)

    My name is Cherice and I'm from Jamaica FYI:)

  3. L.A. offers better opportunities in film, TV, cinema, being on-screen than NY.  New York offers better opportunities for theater.  So DEFINITELY Los Angeles.

    -Good luck!

  4. Brian On'Neil, author of Acting As A Business: Strategies For Success, whom I interviewed for my site would tell you to go through the theatre circuit, which means first going to New York and then getting to LA.

    I also interviewed Paul Michael, director of an organization in New York called The NetworkNYC, where actors can meet casting directors and agents, swears that in LA, NY actors are more well-respected than new actors in LA, because they are better trained and that is very much appreciated by casting directors and agents.

    Bernard Hiller, Hollywood acting coach, another interview about what the steps could be to getting an acting career started in LA, swears that if you want to be on tv or in film, you need to go to LA and get started.

    Ultimately you have to decide. Knowing what I do, I would say that if you are motivated and driven, have support and contacts, then you should go directly to LA. If you are lacking in those areas, then you might want to go to NY first, get some training, build your resume, get a bi-coastal agent and then make the move.

    Also, if you have the good fortune to be able to take a fact finding trip first to both cities, I would definitely do that.

    In any case, since you are obviously at the beginning of your acting career endeavors, don't forget that knowing which city to move to is one thing. Working on your acting craft is another. Don't forget to study acting! Your competition is fierce and they will be well-trained and ready to win the jobs in auditions. If you want to compete, you need to do the same.

    Have a look at this page on my site for new and aspiring actors. On it you will find 23 links that have to do with different aspects of starting an acting career including why going to acting school is so important, how to choose a school and steps to get your career started in the States.

    Also have a look at the Expert Advice section on the menu. You will find there the complete interviews I mentioned above as well as some other great advice by industry professionals with many years of experience.

    Good luck!


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