
Acting career?

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im bill b's daughter.

no rude answers please.

ok so i love to act. i dont want to do theatre, i want to do tv. commercials are great and i would love any chance i have, but my ultimate dream is to be on a tv show. and my dream is disney or nick, but i know in this buisness you have to take what you can get. and if my mom is willing to go all out for me to follow my dreams, and we move to a bigger city where theres more opportunities, get an agent and everything, and try and fail for years, but.. i never land a role, what happens to my career? what do i do? do i hang it up and go home? its not like i can get years of my life back. i just dont know. advice? on starting a career? anything? agents? please any help appreciated. but please answer the question of what happens.




  1. Try for awhile and if you see you enjoy doing it then keep pursuing it.  If you find your heart isnt in it like it was before then there is nothing wrong with going to school and having a fun childhood.

  2. Ok, I'm an actress/aspiring actress and not much older than you. When I first started out, i knew that acting on tv was my passion and only main concern. I think i can help you. First off, by saying u dont belive in urself, tells me right there u dont really really want this. If u really really want this, u really need to be confident in urself no matter wat! Dont wrry about ur shape at 12! Accept how God made u! If ur not confident even about the smallest thing, u wont last a minute in this cold industry. Now, this is something i really want and i will wait forever for it. u should too. if i is really something u love, u should be willing to wait forever and take everything u do as one step       closer to ur dream. Now, that is fantastic ur mom is all for it. if not, u would have to wait till u can drive and take urself. so there is something right there to be thankful for! Dont wrry about wat if this or that. just go for it. but only go if u really want it and u r willing to work ur tail end off. also, u woont need to get years of ur life back like ur loosing some. if u achieve ur dream, u wont get to go back. also,

    dont ever go into something thinking u will fail, cause guess wat? u will! always know u will try ur bestand get the best in return! lastly, a lot of people have this dream, and dont wrry, there is room for everyone! Good luck!

  3. Chances are, you -will- try and fail for years, and never land a role.

    I'm not trying to crush your dreams, I just want to be the logical voice of reality.

    If you think it'll be wasting the years of your life when you're pursuing acting and not getting any work, I reccommend you find a different career because that's what you're going to be doing the majority of your life as an actress.

    Assuming you're fully aware of how terrible a dead-end career acting is, the first step is to do school plays and community theatre. I know you said you don't want to do theatre, but that's where you have to start. You can't just go audition without any experience. You also won't be able to get an agent without any experience. So, start with theatre.

  4. Look. You seem young and very determined. That's a great start. I suggest that you don't worry about the future too much. Just believe that you can do whatever you put your mind to!

    That being said, if you try and fail for years and years my best advice is to always have a plan B. There's nothing wrong with going to school, college, having a job in the meantime while you're pursuing your dream...

    It'll all work out but you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket and then wake up one day pennyless with no skills to fall back on...

    Hope that helped dear...
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