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i am a 17 year old high school student and i just finnished taking my 1st drama class. i really loved the class and i think i will take a class over the summer. But i want to know more about screen acting rather than just stage acting b/c they really are different. i don't know if i want to look into a career with acting, i am just trying to gain info about it.

Are there certain types of classes i should look into?

Might i want to study acting in college?

Will it be to late to look into a career after i get out of college?

Any info and/ or advice would be great! thanks!




  1. 1. Yes, go to your local community theatre or a major city theatre and ask if there are any classes/ clinics availible. I recently took a class on Wicked because I love it and I got to learn the songs and read off some of the monologues. There are probably classes like this in your area based off of certain plays. There are also improv classes and classes where you can just get your acting career going. I highly suggest it.

    2. Yes, I think it is a very rewarding, challenging and fun business where you can step into the shoes of another completely different person~ go for the gold, spread your wings and fly!

    3. It helps to have a degree in acting of some sort because it will show that you have experience in the craft but I do not think that it would be too late!

    Other things you should look into if this is really your dream are:

    * voice lessons

    *joining a choir

    * acting summer camps

    * getting an agent

    * dance classes such as tap, ballet, jazz, hip-hop or a combo musical theatre dance class.

    YAY! Good luck!

  2. try looking for acting jobs here: Hollywood-opportunities(dotcom),
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