
Acting qestion! for musical theater do you have to be able to dance?

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I am a really good singer and a good actress, and i want to be a musical theater actress someday, but I can't dance(ironically my name is grace). I'm young so maybe my clutzyness will wear off, but for now i look like i'm having a seizure when i dance. My voice is high and im assuming there are femme fatelle roles out there that require little or simple dancing. Is there any hope for me?




  1. There's always hope, especially for someone young like yourself.  There will be dancing, yes, but you have time to prepare and I'm sure that you'll be able to get experience in community and school productions without extensive dance skills.  Take some classes at your school or a local studio if you're able, they'll help you with your acting, your confidence, and your dancing ability.  Most of all, have fun.  Don't let your worries about dancing keep you from auditioning for anything--just do it.

  2. You need to at least be able to move.

  3. It really helps-take some lessons!

  4. You don't exactly have to know how to dance/ or be a good dancer to be successful in Musical Theatre but it would be good to know. Since you're still young maybe ask someone to enroll you in some dance classes, possibly ballet. That way if you do do a show with dancing you'll know what they're talking about when they ask you to do a dance move.

  5. No. You have to be able to physically do the steps and pick up the coreography, but you do not have to be a dancer. Dancing as most people think of it and musical theater dancing are two totally different things, especially at the youth level. In big productions, there are those who dance as part of their role and those who are background dancers (the ones who do the heavy, difficult dancing). If you are given a role based on your singing and acting, you should not have any trouble as long as you can pick up the steps the coreographer teaches you.

    I am like you in the sense that I look like I am having a seizure when I try to dance. This has not stopped me from getting parts, however, because when someone teaches me a dance step by step, I can usually imitate them well enough that my lack of coordination and grace is not really a problem.

  6. Knowing how to dance may help but you don't neccesarily have to. I am not a very good dancer and I have had a decent role in 4  musicals. Good choreogeraphers will help you out. No woories. Just stay sharp on singing and acting skills.

  7. Pretty much. Broadway you have to be an outstanding dancer!!!

  8. Um yeah yuo have to know how to dance but during some auditions you may not have to preform a dance. You might want to look into dance classes or watch different musicals so that you can see the different types of dance that are used.

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