
Activating old phone line

by  |  earlier

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We have an old dead childrens line in a bedroom, that we would like to activate on our regular home line for future use in that room. How do I do it? The phone co. said it was easy, but did not really tell me how. If they come out, it would cost over 100 bucks, so if you can help, it would be great.




  1. Like the previous answerer said it should be pretty easy. If you go out the the telephone box outside your house (demark) you may be lucky enough to see a couple of hanging wires which when connected could turn that line on. Make sense?

  2. Very easy. At the Demarkation Box (usually a small gray box) on the outside of you house, just need to have 2 wires switched from the previous secondary line over to the primary line. Anyone familer with phone wiring should be able to handle it in about 2 minutes.

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