
Active baby.... HELP?

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HI, my son is 9 months and VERY active moves every where and wants to get involve in everything, loves mobiles and sockets, wires and heaters! i try to hide them by putting furnishes opposite or use safety blocks.. but still some can be seen

i actually hate him (not hard at all) n the back of his hand as a warning and i still feel like the worst mother in the world!

he gets him self out of the high walker, gets hibouncerout of the bounser belt. but the worst part is time of changing, it is NIGHTMARE i have to force him to set n one position or give him my mobile!

'm getting really tired at nights which he used to sleep through the night but now he wakes up crying and he ends up sleeping on the bouncer which it was the way to get him to sleep during the day and at night i used to put him into his bad even if he wakes up for milk and he would fell asleep by himself but now he wakes up the whole naughberhood with his screems!

advices please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. Are you breastfeeding him? If so I would try to cut out all caffeine as it may be passing through to him. Although it's unlikely that would be enough to cause such a high energy level in a 9 month old.

    As for the smacking his hand (I assume you meant "hit" not "hate"?) I tried that on my son at 9 months and it just seemed to make us both even more frustrated without accomplishing much else. He is 14 months old now and I have smacked his hand twice since about 9/10 months and both times it proved to be quite effective. I think since I use it so infrequently he seems to take me seriously.

    Since his problems have seemed to worsen recently I would look at what has changed. I imagine he has started on a lot more solid foods recently? Try scaling his variety back to only 2 or 3 options and see if this improves anything. If it doesn't then you could try removing those foods and trying 2 or 3 other foods. Try to choose a healthy, organic selection that isn't on the high allergen list. These are: milk, egg, peanut, tree nut (walnut, cashew, etc.), fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat. Sometimes a child can have what appears to be a behavior issue but it's actually just a small allergy to foods! Try also cutting out bananas, melons and avocados as those are also known to be common allergens. While you're at it I'd try to reduce his sugar as much as possible.

    As for punishment, he is really quite young to understand repercussions. He is learning cause and effect, but he has not mastered it yet. I think redirection and distraction are much more effective and are also a lot easier on Mom's nerves! Obviously he gets bored easily so maybe try this. Go buy a new toy, or even make one with a wooden spoon and a coffee tin and an empty lotion bottle. While he's playing with his new treasures you clean up a bunch of his old toys. Put them in a box, tape it up and label it with the date. I even labeled my box with "The 'Killian has too many toys and doesn't play with half of them' box" Every month or two I go to the garage and get the box. I empty it out and then fill it back up with different toys. My little man thinks I just go out to the garage and get him new toys once in awhile!

    I hope this helps. I too have an overactive little guy and I know how trying they can be.  

  2. You're the adult here, his has absolutely NO idea about safety.  No matter how many times you re-direct him, he is just too young to learn.  That means hitting him (you said 'hate' though) is absolutely useless and abusive.

    He might not want to lay down because of sensory can be very uncomfortable for some children to lay on their backs for diaper changes.  Try changing him laying on his belly, or if he can stand supported.  Put a mirror where he can see himself while you change him.  Or, start potty about elimination communication.

    Please, get any book by Dr. Sears, especially "The Discipline Book".

    He certainly could be hungry during the night.  It's called a growth spurt.  Look at his fist.  That's how big his tummy is.  If he's growing, he needs it filled up often.  So give him some breastmilk or formula during the night (not milk!!!).  It's TOTALLY normal for a child to start waking at night.

    It's up to you to create a safe, secure environment for whatever type of child you have.  He's active, so get out there and do active things---swimming, park, Gymboree, Mom 'n' Me, drop in playcenters.

    Oh, and walkers are banned in some countries because they are unsafe.  So just ditch that, and he's obviously too old for the bouncer.  Wear him on your back in a mei tai when you need him to be totally safe, and he'll love the change in environment too :)

  3. Spell check anyone?

    I highly doubt he screams loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood.  If he is getting out of his walker or bouncer on his own then that means he has outgrown those.  Time to stop putting him in them and pack those things up.  Get baby gates and baby proof your house better.
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