
Activism Project...any good causes to recomend??

by  |  earlier

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I have to do an activist project

where you choose something to research

like a problem in the word, ya know??

for instance, global warming or breast cancer

but i can't do any one of those

and i can't think of anything

so can you guys give me any ideas of a worth while cause to research??

thanks sooooo much




  1. It doesn't matter what you choose.  They will ask you for money over and over again so be careful about the information you give out.  Keep your e-mail address to yourself and don't give them your home address.  If you do you will never stop the junk mail.

  2. Helping the starving, homeless, injusticed.

  3. Take action against mindless activisim searching for a cause.

    But if that doesn't move you:

    End the millions of unecessary deaths of third world children from malaria by bringing back DDT

  4. How about the "Fair Tax".   Elimination of the IRS, make April 15 just another day.

    Or ending government monopoly of Education.

    Stop the Fuel Economy Standards from killing us.  Federal fuel economy standards have killed about 40,000 motorist since they were first enacted.  

    Stop government subsidies of bio-fuels, they are driving up the cost of food and starving people.

  5. - Homelessness

    - Human Rights

    - Desertification

    - Racism

    - Famine

    - Over-population

    - Animal Rights

    - Child Labour

    - Child Pornography

    - Prostitution and Human trafficking

    The list goes on.  Put a little thought into it and you might come up with way more that what's listed.

  6. Freedom

    Gun rights

    Low taxation

    Cancer research

    something like that

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