
Activities for 3-8 year olds? HELP PLEASE!

by  |  earlier

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i am helping run a bible camp and i need help. i am doing outside helping this week and we bought a volley ball net. all the older kids can play (8-13) but the littler kids cant get it over.

i need a non-sport activity game that doesn't have that many supplies needed.

please help me, i don't wanna be known as a failure to the kids. =(

thank you so much




  1. Hmm, arts and crafts!

    You just need crayons and paper

    Or is no one has allergies, get foods and glue and have them glue together a tasty dish [:

    Tag? Teach them hide & seek or something like that, endless hours of fun

    Pictionary is fun, split them up into groups by age or something and teach them how to play, or cherades

    Or they can just watch a funny movie

    We did this at camp:

    lots of lanyards and beads

    we'd take a piece of tape and tape our lanyard to a bench and then braid, make chinese staircases, boxes, whatever with the landyards. Or we'd make friendship bracelets or something. Maybe teach the kids how to do something and then they all try it themselves with their string

    Or you can teach them to play octopus or rainbow.

    In Octopus, there is one "octopus" and all the other kids line up against the wall. they want to run to the other wall, but the octopus is the tagger and if he/she tags you, you become a "tentacle" and has to stay in place and try to get the other kids. Last one not tagged wins and becomes the next octopus.

    Rainbow is the same except the "it" has to say a color and if you are wearing that color, you have to run to the other side and try not to get tagged. If you are tagged, you aren't frozen in place, you can run around and also tag freely.

    Or you can play 4 corners!

    All you need is 4 popsicle sticks with #1-4 written on them.

    Or a spinner with 1-4.

    Play music, when the music stops, everyone has to run to a corner.

    Then you pull a popsicle stick or spin the spinner and whatever number is it, that corner is out, so all the kids at it is out too!

    Last kid wins!

    (you can also have one kid decide the number, he closes his eyes and can't see anybody so it's fair)

    Have fun!

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