
Activities for first grades...possibly involving pyjamas?

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i work with a first grade class for 80 minutes a day.....since I have them the last 80 minutes of the last day before sring break i'm in charge of planning something!! I need help coming up with an activity.....its spirit week and pyjama day and there is 16 kids ( 1 is disabled) 2 t.a's and me....i need an activity to last between 20-60 minutes!!! HELP ME!




  1. There's a great book called Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems about a little girl who loses her favorite stuffed animal.  You could have the kids wear their pajamas and have a pajama party and have them bring in their favorite stuffed animal.  You could read them the story, talk about the book, and maybe do a simple drawing or writing activity.  Here is a teaching guide for the book that offers great suggestions:

  2. you can have different stations set up (4?) each t.a. can be working at a station and you can go between the other two to help out. each station will be based around a different sleeping activity. The kids can go to each station for about 15 minutes and then switch.

    station 1: making nightshirts. get a bunch of t-shirts in the boy's section at target and some markers/puffy paints and things you can stick on. the t.a. or you can have a hot glue gun to help the kids stick on things like shapes or letters to spell out their names. they could then wear these shirts home and to sleep.

    station 2: you can have a movie on and if anyone doesnt want to do the other activities they can always watch a movie in their pajamas like a "movie night" find something cute and easy to understand and have everyone sit on pillows with blankets and stuffed and animals

    station 3: story writing. the kids can work together to make a story about something relating to someone going to sleep or in their pajamas.  the t.a. or you can write down the story and when they come back from break they can each have a copy or you can put it with the other books for the classroom.

    station 4: the kids can make cookies. buy a tube of dough  from the supermarket and break each piece off and let the kids take cookie cutters and cut the cookies into their favorite shape!

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