
Activities kids like to do???

by Guest60260  |  earlier

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im starting a job as a recreation leader for 8-12 year olds. my boss said it would be a good idea to come up with games or creative activities (arts and crafts etc.) to keep them entertained when we have free time. what r some things you think they would like to do?




  1. If you have a bunch of kids, some kind of sports game is always good, like kick ball or basketball.  You should have a schedule and keep them busy.  

    A movie or short DVD is always a lifesaver!

    Kids also like to "cook".  Making cookies or "kick the can ice cream" stuff is great!  

    You could also do "environmental stuff" like leaf or bug collecting.

    good luck, I'm sure you'll be great!

  2. Build a simple bird house, using real tools, appeals to boys and girls.  You can get plans and equip lists online, cut wood before hand so that saws aren't needed.  Many hardware stores will donate a few scraps of roofing shingles, etc.  My kids made theirs at camp, they love them, and had a great time.  You can even go into a little detail about the types of birds that would use them, even go bird watching with binoculars.

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