
Activities to keep my help stimulate my rabbit?

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i recently got a rabbit, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or (agility) activities to keep my rabbit fit and happy? When i'm at school it just stays in its house and when i come home I just let it run around the living room.





  1. My rabbit loves baby keys! You can pick them up at any dollar store. She loves to throw them. Another one of my rabbits loves this little blue squishy ball we got him in the dog section on petsmart. Good luck and have fun!

  2. There are loads of things you can do to simulate your rabbit. But firstly you need to make sure your rabbit is grazing nearly all day. Rabbits must eat hay and they also like apples, pears and tomatoes. I give my rabbit yogurt drops for a treat. Perhaps leaving these foods around the hutch/cage will keep the rabbit simulated looking for them. Also you can buy wooden toys from your local pet shop for about £1-£4 and they love them too! Also you could get a large shoe box and cut entrances and holes in it for your rabbit to play in!  Hope this helps!

  3. Toys!  Such as boxes, tennis balls, rattles which they love(can buy rabbit ones at the store), toilet paper/paper towel cardboard rolls, untreated wood to chew on and hard plastic such as washed plastic coffee containers.

  4. Letting it out to run around the lounge room is good, it needs to stretch its legs. Make sure you supervise it though because they do chew through electric cords! While in the hutch, there's not much it can do agility wise as there's not a great deal of room. But to keep it occupied you it's always happy to be entertained with food. Give it a small cob of super sweet frozen corn. This will keep it occupied for a while and they love the taste. You can also get l**k stones to make sure they get the minerals they need, and they occupy themselves by chewing on them as well. They like to pick things up with their mouth and throw it around the hutch, so a trip to the pet shop to find some safe rabbit toys is a good idea. My rabbit had this twine covered pretend carrot and it used to love to play with it.  

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