
Activity about siesta in other country?

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  1. The concept of a midday nap is also prominent in other tropical or subtropical countries, where the afternoon heat dramatically reduces work productivity. The Washington Post of February 13, 2007 reports at length on studies in Greece that indicate that those who nap have less risk of heart attack.[4]

    In South Asia, the idea of a post-lunch nap is common, and the idea of going to sleep after a light massage with mustard oil to induce drowsiness was very popular before industrialization. It was also very popular to consume a light snack during this ritual; it was thought that this practice would make one a better person.[citation needed] In Bangladesh and Indian Bengal, the word which describes the concept is bhat-ghum, literally meaning "rice-sleep", a nap after lunch.

    Afternoon sleep is also a common habit in China and Taiwan after the midday meal. This is called '"wujiao" in Chinese. Almost all schools in Mainland China and Taiwan have a half-hour nap period right after lunch. This is a time when all lights are out and one is not allowed to do anything other than rest or sleep.

    Some Japanese offices have special rooms known as napping rooms for their workers to take a nap during lunch break or after overtime work.

    In Islam, it is encouraged to take a nap between Dhuhr and Asr prayers, with the intention of doing tahajjud later in the night.

  2. a nap

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