
Activity ideas for kids with mental disabilities?

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I work for a day camp that works with kids with mental and physical disabilities. I am a camp counselor and in charge of keeping the kids entertained when we are not doing camp activities. We were told at the training that each activity should be no longer than 15 minutes. I have spent hours and hours coming up with ideas and crafts, but only about three weeks worth of activity and camp is six weeks long. If you have any activities or crafts I would be oh so grateful.




  1. things that are sensory are great-

    song play is always a good stand by--depending on teh age--

    look for 'camp' songs taht you can do hand movements to

  2. There are lots of activities on this site.  Hopefully you can find ones that would work, or you can adapt.

    Have you thought of any simple food activities, like decorating cookies?

    For students who are able (if you have space), you could have physical activities such as relay racing, obstacle course, etc.

    You could play parachute games.

    Bubbles are fun to use, and there are recipes to make them.

    You can have story time.

    You could sing songs together, especially interactive ones where they join in.

    If they are young enough to like it, you could have a teddy bear's picnic.

    You could have some kind of theme, like "Oceans" and do crafts and activities around that.  Decorate the space so it looks like an ocean (or forest, or desert, or island, or whatever).

    Hope these help.


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