
Activity that will teach children how to handle anger effectively?

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I need this for a class I am taking. I have searched all over the net, but cannot seem to find anything worth mentioning. I prefer it to be for 2 year olds up to five year olds. Thank you for taking the time.




  1. The remedy for anger is that when a person who is angry should control his anger . In the Ahadith there are three way's shown to control ones Anger. 1). is to say Ta'awwuz

                                       2). is to doWudu (Abulution ) or drink water.

                                       3). is to lie down on the floor

    So when a person becomes angry he should perform ablution. Then the person should lie down because when a person is lying he becomes humble because this is the quality of the earth due to it being low and not bursting. This is the opposite to fire which is the origin of shaytaan which results to pride. When a person is lying down he is far from revenge and retaliation then a person who is sitting is further then the one who is standing.

    In reality anger is a spark of fire and its flames are always bursting. The cure is that you extinguish                           Back

    The fire with water so that the evilness doesn't spread. i.e. by water it means to make wudu(Ablution).

    The person who is angry should make wudu.then the person should recite the verses from the Holy Qur'ran which is (AYAH KURSI ) which is in the (3rd para, 2nd ruku). by reciting the Holy Qur'ran the person with anger it will cool him down because Anger is from shaytaan.

    The person who is angry should be left alone to cool down and the above remedy should be practice's.The anger should go away.

    In the state of anger one should use the above mentioned remedy so that he doesn't regret later.

  2. I actually ran an anger management group for little ones when i was in grad school. letting them use stuffed animals and such to simulate situations where they get mad lets them describe their feelings without having to feel like theyre being singled out. also, believe it or not, the really respond to doing progressove relaxtion scripts. the kind like "now make the face you make when youre mad, feel the muscles tighten up' you can print one online and then tweek it to be more kid friendly. Especially with toddlers, something kinesthetic is often more easily understood than hearing something. It can also help to work with them to find activites that let them blow off steam. Even 23 year olds eventually get your drift when you redirect them to squeeze a nerf ball instead of yelling.Role play is really good with the older early childhood group.

  3. Children can slow down their anger playing with clay, if you can make your own clay is a lot better. Also, set cream shave on a washable table and let them to play with it as long a they want using different food coloring, where they learn combination of colors. Try it its very fun and interesting.

  4. Take a Love and Logic class

  5. I work with a program entitled Second Step, by The Committee for Children.  The whole purpose of the program is violence prevention.  It is geared for ages preschool-9th grade, and comes with all the kits/stuff you need.  We use this program in the preschool I work at, school-wide.  It teaches children the foundations for anger management... empathy training, discovering feelings, describing and recognizing feelings in others, how to calm down, and problem solving.  The preschool version comes with songs on a CD about calming down, and finding solutions for problems.  It also comes with a set of puppets... Impulsive Puppy, Slow-Down Snail, and Take-Turn Bunny that teachers can use in the classroom to illustrate the lessons.  It also comes with books that discuss the specific issues that children deal with in preschool.  It also includes a home element... where parents come to a six-week parenting course on the skills that their children will be learning in the classroom so that they can implement them in their homes.  Great program for teaching young children empathy, facial recognition, and tips for responding calmly to a situation.

  6. Puppets or stuffed animals are great at helping kids learn to handle anger.  

    Play a game with the toddler. Give her a toy animal and put a puppet (let's say a toy Barney doll) on your own hand. Give Barney a small block or car and let the toddler "snatch" it.  Let Barney have a temper tantrum.   Tell Barney that tantrums/screaming is what babies do, but he's a BIG Dinosaur.  He needs to use his words.

    Teach the Barney to ask nicely for the thing back.  

    Now it's the toddlers turn.  Let your Barney  lose his temper again, maybe he is "so tired or so hungry".  Ask the toddler to help Barney think of a better way to behave, to use his words.

    I used this role playing method with my own children and they think it's a hoot.

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