
Actors Actresses IN THE ACTING WORLD?

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How when an actor can't cry or is struggling to cry on the tv show how come the director does not tell them to stare without blinking for awhile or to put their face over onions before the shoot? It makes me upset on television shows that are not shot in front of a live audience, that the actors can't cry well.




  1. Hollywood is a company which makes it profit from you, The people. Most people will be more likely to watch a show they relate to with attractive people, than a show they relate to with unattractive people. It's just how American's are brought up. Were attracted to pretty. Whether you are or not. (not implying anything). But talent in secondary. Most don't even know what good talent is, how would they know? Coming from someone who's acted a very long time, this won't change. It's only getting worst. But at least you can notice, good for you.

  2. yea...most shows hire actors/actresses for their looks rather than their skills. And hollywood will continue to hire them as long as viewers continue to watch some show for some actors or actresses' aesthetic beauty.

  3. No offense, but you cannot be serious.

      It's called ACTING for a very specific purpose. FILM acting is as close to FAKE as one can get, given "CUT, take 137, ACTION"

      To portray emotion one must obviously have various emotions in their sense and sensibility they can call on to do what is needed. ONIONS, LOLOLOLOL.

       Demi Moore, bless her heart is one who can cry on cue. The rationale is recalling something that caused tears once, and can again. Beyond that, even an expression, leading to a tear is viewed by an audience, in an emotional context. That equates to those who are GOOD, Better, and NOT being in a scene.

       ARTIFICIAL tears, even in the most hardened of us, turned way from an audience, squirted in the eyes, can cause the illusion of crying, but the entire illusion is PULLED OFF, by someone with enough STUFF to lead up to it in the context of a scene, and make it all believable.

       I have no clue where you got your info from, but ,,,,,,,please

  4. start with classes at school then do plays at shcool build up your resume get experience! then get an agent and if you want to be succesful it will take years of hard work slowly climbing the ladder of success but if you get a chance to do somethign big go for it!

    for agents and all the info you need go to and for the agent one click table of contents then click city nearest you. read everything on the site

    answers wont pop up infront of you so look around and click on the words in blue but not the ones that are double underlined!

  5. you may have skills that go beyond the skills of the actors but those actors were probably chosen for either their looks or their connections. i know... life isnt fair!

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