
Actors and performing arts students!?

by  |  earlier

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So i have done GCSE Drama for 2 years, and have developed so much love for this subject and acting overall that i want to continue doing it in my future.

However, everyone in my family has top careers (mum is an arcitect and dad owns electricity firm, aunty is a prosecuter, etc etc)

So they expect me to do as well as them, like journalism which i concidered too.

I mentioned that i wanted to act, and everyone was immediatly against it, saying things such as that acting wont be good enough for me and all off that c**p.

I have just managed to persuade them to let me study A Level performing Arts.

Now what else can i do in my free time, any good excellent Acting schools or theatres i can work in. It doesnt have to be acting, just being part of the environment?

Help please!




  1. find a local theater company and start banking hours onstage.  continue toward a degree.  work toward getting into an Actors Equity type union (not sure what it would be called in UK).  It can happen if you have the right drive.

  2. see if there are any holiday uni courses for all ages-my boyfriend went to one last year for a week+they stayed in uni accommodation, then they performed at the local theatre-(he was 15 at the time) +this was in bournemouth (UK) so they might do it other places!

    +your parents should support you-it's your dream, so go ahead+do it!

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