
Actors: why do you enjoy acting?

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Actors: why do you enjoy acting?




  1. It goes all the way back to Aristotle in Ancient Greece. He noted that imitation (acting) is fun.  It is a normal human activity to imitate other people (and other things as well) and it is enjoyable to do it.  Some actors enjoy the attention and notoriety that goes with being in a show. Some find acting an escape fri\om themselves and their boring lives.  

  2. I, myself, love acting-it is my passion.  It is kinda hard for me to explain.  Like, when I'm in front of the camera, or on the stage, I get this rush, this feeling that I don't get anywhere else.  It says that that is where I am supposed to be.  Acting is in my blood, acting is me.  There is a reason it looks believable when I am in a scene, I put myself in my characters shoes and really relate to them.  I think its wrong, however, to use your talents just to get money, you should do it because it is what you love to do.  Children now days have enough busy lives-just with school.  You shouldn't add acting to it unless it is something you really want to do.  Of course, you have to take classes, but there is nothing quite like that feeling you get when you are doing what you love.  For some people that feeling is what they get when they are doing a sport, or singing, or teaching.  For me, its acting.

  3. You are free to be any one.your are at play it can be the best time you every had or your worst nightmare. you can ab lib or remember every line . and if you are good at it you can make time stand still and be paid vast amount of money for doing it,sound like fun to me.

  4. it's like drugs to me: the rush of rehearsal, bettering your skills as an actor, singing and dancing in musicals, and of course, getting out there and performing it for tons of strangers, entertaining them, making them laugh or cry or sing along. the entire atmosphere it just thrilling.

    i sometimes do backstage work and it's just as fun in a completely different way. backstage, you get to dress the actors during quick changes and make sure their props are ready and keep the show running without a hitch. when i was backstage (the only one) on my school play "Number the Stars," i had to run down the stairs to the dressing rooms, through both the boys' and girls', back up the other side, and then across to where i'd begun to give actors their costumes. it was exhilarating!

    you should try it if you've never acted. i'm sure you'll love it, and even if you don't, it's a good experience, seeing how everything comes together like that.  

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