
Actually being a different s*x then youtr X or XY genes??

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I read something years ago and would love to know if it's true. It was something about a person could actually be male or female in their X or XY chromosone make up but depending on how much testosterone was in/applied the womb to the foetus it could actually grow into a different s*x (perfectly normal and fully fucntional) regardless of the chromosone and you wouldn't even know it?

Is this actually a real biological 'thing'?




  1. Yes a genetic female can experience hormonal masculinisation in utero. This sometimes affects their anatomy, but other times it is only the central nervous system that is affected. The latter case is more interesting because these children look like girls and are socialised by their parents as such. However, these girls show a preference for "male" toys like trucks and guns rather than "female" toys like dolls, and display a lack of desire for motherhood. (And yet feminists still claim that gender is a construct)

  2. eric has answered your question.

  3. I once watched a fascinating documentary about people who were truly neither one s*x or another. They had a weird mix of chromosomes and reproductive equipment. Apparently, this is not as uncommon as we think.

    They interviewed a doctor who specialized in helping these people...a large, burly man with a beard. He became interested in helping people with such problems because he himself was one of them. Despite his manly appearance, he had a uterus.

  4. Not fully functional. There's intersex - that's hermaphrodite. Many actually identify as a third gender.

    There was the case of the batista boys, who looked female up until they hit puberty (not enough testosterone), the money study where they brought a boy up as a girl (without him knowing) after an accident circumsizing him (which ended tragically, actually). And girls can look male if they have enough testosterone.

    However, they will not be fully functional because for the genatalia to work properly (to be fertile) they need the correct chromosones. They can naturally ap[ear the opposite gender they're whole life, though (fairly recently there was a case of a thirty year old woman going to a doctors for treatment to find she was XY. But it's very rare)

  5. Yes, they're called trans-gender people.

    Some are male minds trapped in a female body or vice versa, some are hermaphrodites, with both a v****a and a p***s.

  6. In complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) there is a mutation in the gene encoding the androgen receptor, which results in the receptor being unable to bind androgens (male hormones). This can result in a female body (with no uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes, but with a shortened v****a) despite having XY chromosomes. There are various degrees as to how distinctly female the body may appear (partial androgen insensitivity syndrome or PAIS is the incomplete form).

    XY chromosomes are also present in Swyer syndrome, where the external appearance is female (and a uterus is present). But the s*x organs aren't functional here either (no hormones are produced) and hormonal treatment is needed.

    I don't know of a condition where the person may have an XY karyotype and be a fully functioning female, which is not to say that it does not exist :-)

  7. One of them comes on GWS, I won't say who it is though.

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