
Actually need to gain some weight?

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I'm a little underweight, and I could use to put on a few pounds. However, since the start of June, I've been going out on my bike twice a day and each time I ride 3-5 miles, partly because it's fun, and also to build calf and thigh muscle. My question is: Is riding my bike that much actually hurting my chances of gaining weight because I possibly burn off whatever I've been eating?




  1. yes it is  slimming your chances of gaining wieght

  2. Yeah... just eat more, but not unhealthy stuff.  Just take in more calories than you eat, but if you DO eat a lot at a time, you can develop an eating disorder and get obese, so just consume more healthy foods, occasionally the tasty snack though :)

  3. I feel for you. I'm the exact same way. If you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight, whether it be fat or muscle. So be like Michael Phelps and eat as much as you can. Lift weights as long as your old enough. Eat things like fish, chicken, nuts, beans which are all high in protein. Another trick I heard from someone that worked: eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and drink a glass of milk before you go to bed.

  4. Eat a whole bunch and it will develop into muscle.

  5. As protectionpaladin said, eat more of the right foods. Try gaining some muscle weight.

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