
Acupressure points during pregnancy?

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I am five weeks pregnant. Someone pressed once really hard on the acupressure point - the webbing between my thumb and index finger. That area is bruised now. Will this cause a miscarriage? Please help (I'm really worried - is there any way to counter what he did? If there are any acupressurists or acupuncturists out there who knows about this, please help. Thanks.




  1. Don't worry about miscarrying. I agree with a previous poster that stress does more harm than good. In response to the individual does not believe in acupressure, to each their own. There are studies that do back up the idea of acupressure including one that was done in Sweden:

  2. That point on your body will not cause a miscarriage. There are very few points contraindicated in pregnancy, and they must be pushed with intent. Don't let that person or anyone handle you so ruffly. The only thing you can do is wait for it to heal. Unfortunately many therapists think they need to hurt your body in order for it to work. I believe in a gentle approach. Don't worry and best wishes for you and your new baby!

  3. Don't worry this will not do any harm to your pregnancy ,Avoid your un necessary tension ,be calm. Everything will be alright with in a short period be happy

  4. that point is actually for headaches. but i wouldnt reccomend doing accupressure points during pregnancy at all. Light sweedish massage is good after your first trimester but never deep pressure points.

  5. OK... CALM DOWN...

    STRESS about nonsense CAN cause a miscarriage so for the sake of your baby... Mellow out...

    Recent studies by LEGITIMATE medical and scientific institutions show that acupressure doesn't really do anything...

    It is mainly a placebo effect...

    You THINK it will help and so it does...

    I know you won't believe me... But it is true...

    PLEASE calm the h**l down...

    Aroma therapy is the same thing... Lavender only helps you calm down when you are told enough times that it will...

    The herbal-hippies that sell you a bottle of magic oil for $30 yet say that they "don't want to make money like the big, evil corporations" will tell you different but double blind studies by LEGITIMATE institutions of learning have the edge in this kind of 'my expert against your expert' shell game...

    Just mellow and you will be fine.

  6. That particular point will not cause miscarriage.  It is REALLY important to stay away from the inside of the left leg above your ankle as those are kidney points that are often stimulated to bring on labor--obviously NOT what one would want to do at this early stage of pregnancy.  I'm sorry that your hand is hurt.  Why did you allow anyone to stimulate any point on you that hard?  A person who is professionally trained KNOWS that one must be very gentle with pregnant women.  Did you not know at the time that you were pregnant?  And even if you did know, pressing so hard on a point that it causes a client to be bruised is rarely, if ever, okay.  As the health of your baby and your self is solely your responsibility, it is my hope that you will be MUCH more pro-active and careful about whom you allow to touch you and how from here on out.  It's also really important that if you're getting a massage, you tell the therapist you are pregnant and IMMEDIATELY order them to either stop or work less deeply if they are going too deep.  I do NOT recommend deep tissue work on any pregnant woman.  Any massage therapist or alternative care practitioner should know this already, and be actively putting this knowledge to work.  The only person who can really protect and advocate for you and your baby is YOU, so please look at anyone coming at you with drugs, interventions or body work that's too deep with a hugely skeptical eye.

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