
Acupuncture For Hair Loss ? I heard its GOOD !?

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I am very interested in this natural treatment but kinda scary to think about the needles all over your head.




  1. honestly, ask your self, how is getting stuck with needles going to treat a condition that in all likely hood is genetic?

    and don't fall back on the "ancient Chinese medicine" claim people make because really these are essentially wives tales that existed before we even knew anything about the causes of illness. and i mean that literally, genetics and microscopic life, unheard of at that time.

    source contains inforamtion



  2. Accupuncture is really good treatment.

    Ofcourse needles are used for treatment but its not painful.

    But have some patience cos treatment takes lot of time.

    Go ahead..

  3. I had acupuncture several times and I liked it. You will like it too it is very relaxing and down to earth. As far as it growing hair back, haahaa! All I can do is laugh. Look at my 360 you'll see it didn't do anything for me hahahaha! But it was very good, to have it done. Very relaxing and you feel very good. It may work for other ailments. I won't discourage you from doing it, only that as you will see it did not work for me.

  4. Acupuncture does help and i support it !

    Side Effects Of Common Drugs For Hair Loss Treatment -

    Minoxidil : Cause a fall in blood pressure, an increase in the heart rate, and weight gain (fluid retention)

    Propecia : Women who are or may potentially be pregnant must not use and the active ingredient may cause abnormalities of a male baby’s s*x organs.

    Personally, I think a natural approach is much more safer and effective way of re-growing lost hair compared to those unnatural ways which may involve harsh chemicals that may have side effects. And one website that offers you step-by-step information on how to re-grow your lost hair NATURALLY is  which i have heard numerous positive feedbacks about it.

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