
Acupuncture-is this a good essay on it?

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Chinese interest in medicine and health started over 5000 years ago in 3000BC. Chinese have invented and discovered many cures in medical issues. One of those great inventions is acupuncture, which has also helped discover the blood flow in the body.

Acupuncture involves inserting small needles into specific areas of the body to relieve pain. The needle triggers the body to adjust the nervous system and other areas of the body. When a needle is inserted it feels like a pinch. It is very affective and has no side effects. Acupuncture is used to give the patient energy (QI). Acupuncture has a very long history and is also used to stimulate (Give energy/motivation) blood flow.

Acupuncture began when a Chinese emperor called Fuxi started to talk about its concept which later became more developed. The process in which acupuncture developed is not known in great detail as acupuncture started very, very long ago and can be named one of the longest lasting cures.

It is not certain that acupuncture was first made in china, but there is a good amount of evidence that it is true. It is believed that acupuncture was made long ago in the Han dynasty and Stone Age. Legend says that some types of needle similar in some ways to acupuncture were made to relieve warriors in battle, in very ancient times as a start to acupuncture. Research has shown that the first needles used by those of years gone by were made from sharp Bian stone, this changed through the years to bronze, gold and then silver. Historians have found body in Alps with tattoos, some in the exact same areas of acupoints (where a needle in acupuncture is inserted) used today.

Chinese believe that if a person is not well or healthy the two opposite forces called the yin and yang are unbalanced. The yin and yang are two opposite forces and is used and religion and beliefs. In terms of acupuncture, Chinese believe when the patient is relieved that the two forces are balanced.

Acupuncture has benefited medical research. Where in acupuncture a needle, is inserted it is called an acupoint and a specialist in acupuncture is called and acupuncturist. There are many, many different acupoints in the body which the Chinese (ancient and modern) have perfected (over 1,000). Which research gone further into precise nerves and body parts medical research has been benefited along the way and know more about nerves and blood flow because of the Ancient Chinese.

Acupuncture which first started in ancient china started to slowly spread to its neighbouring countries in Asia and some in Europe. Later acupuncture spread to other countries and gained popularity in Australia and other western areas. The US only started using acupuncture till very recently in 1971 where their friendship with China expanded. Acupuncture has not stopped and is still being used throughout the world.

In ancient civilisations people used herbs and drugs (anaesthetic) to relieve pain, until acupuncture was introduced, drug use was ceasing. Unfortunately drug use for some people became popular again, but not everyone fell for drug addiction and continued to use acupuncture. Even today many people use drugs not knowing of the great benefits of acupuncture, mainly because of addiction. Even though, countless people have benefited from acupuncture.

Western areas of the world have used the same concept of acupuncture, however it is different in some ways. Modern acupuncture has been modified and goes even to precise nerve points in the body. It is even used in major surgery issues and involves technical objects such as magnets and lasers. Acupuncture is practiced widely throughout the world in places such as Europe and Asia. Each country's system is a little different, based on other traditions as well as points used. Some styles use lots and lots of points, while others use very few. Also some use very long needles and others tiny ones.

If acupuncture was not introduced many people would still use drugs to relive pain, but again the message has not gone through because of many reasons such as addiction. Acupuncture has benefited medical research greatly. It is widely used and practiced today and has been modified by western areas of the world and china. Acupuncture has been a all out success and continues to benefit people all over the world.




  1. This is somewhat misleading, and somewhat untrue. You seem to be pushing acupuncture as a replacement for analgesics, when the efficacy of acupuncture is dubious and is certainly not effective enough to be used in place of strong analgesics.

    "until acupuncture was introduced, drug use was ceasing."

    If we go by your date of acupuncture being introduced to the US at 1971 this was actually part of the pharmacology boom and drugs were being used more and more.

    You also state that reliance on analgesics is due to addiction. This is just patently false. They are used because they work. If a patient is addicted to pain killers they will not be given them if that is an option. If you are referring to non-prescribed drugs these are both not very addictive and the main obvious advantage is they are far more convenient than acupuncture (that and they actually work).

    "Acupuncture has been a all out success and continues to benefit people all over the world."

    Acupuncture has certainly not been an all out success, clinical trials have shown the efficacy of acupuncture to be very low, with only a few trials showing positive effects, which can likely be related to difficulty in giving placebo acupuncture. There may be some benefit in it but it is small.

    You also seem to imply that acupuncture is done around nerves when actually the positioning of acupuncture points bares no relation to any anatomical systems. What is more is that I have put a needle into a nerve (accidentally), and the result is certainly not pain relief.

    Add to this your dubious attribution of the discovery of blood flow to acupuncture and your talk of Qi energy I have to ask would this post not have been better suited to mythology and folklore?

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