
Acupuncture worth a try?

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I have terrible allergies, and they've gotten worse the older I get. I'm tired of feeling dizzy and groggy from all the antihistimines, and I was thinking about trying acupuncture to help (I could also stand to lose a few pounds, and quit smoking, and I hear it can help with that too) Has anyone tried acupuncture? And, did you notice results?




  1. I tried it and I felt much better. My acupuncturist is highly qualified with a Ph.D., L.Ac., (licensed acupuncturist) and Q.M.E. (Qualified medical evaluator )

    You have to realize that you may not get 1 session to solve all your problems.  You might need 5 sessions for allergy, or 10 for smoking cessation or 5 for weight loss. It all depends on the problem and how your body responds.  Nothing is a magic, instant cure. And if you're relying on something to "force" you to quit smoking or quit eating, you'll be disappointed.

  2. Okay this is right up my alley... Last year I experience once again the worse case of hives and allergies ever... The first time it happened I had the problem for 1 whole year.  Last year I was determined to be rid of this.  I did a whole lot, but I certainly know that the Acupuncture was a part of my success.  I went for 4 months.  I listened to everything that my acupuncturist told me to do.  So I lost weight,  changed my diet and ate clean foods (actually I became a vegan while I was healing my body), I lowered my stress level and made exercise not something that I had to do, but something I wanted to do by going out in nature and walking, running... being a kid again even if it was right before I went to my grown up job.  I drank lots of water... cut down on toxic situations.. that includes people.. And last two things I did a full body detox and went on vacation for a few days.  Oh and I used essential oils lavender on my body to relax me... Hey in combination with his weekly treatments, this is what my acupuncturist had me do...   Guess what....I don't have any allergies this year... No tearing.. no hives.. no nothing... Life is good again!!!

  3. my cousin back in Thailand did it and it made a believer out of me. He's always been the "big" boy in the family and has lost the weight.

  4. I have usedit for pain work for that.

  5. I have acupuncture weekly and it helps a great deal with my MS symptoms. I used to be dizzy much of the time and had very poor balance until I started the acupuncture. Although when I'm really tired I do still have the balance issue the dizziness is all but gone and the balance issues are probably 80% better. I did not have my sessions while I was on vacation for 2 1/2 weeks and they started to return. It also helps with my allergies, but not as much as I would like.

  6. My husband and myself  just recently did it for the first time along with the seeds thing and it was a waste of money. It did nothing for the insomnia for either one of us and it did not help him to go to the bathroom like they said it would, if fact he did not go for a few days after and the pressure point between your thumb and forefinger hurt for a week and I had to massage it for him.

    I think if you are going to do anything do the acupressure on yourself at home and save money.

  7. It's worth a try, especially if your insurance will cover it.

    I've had acupuncture done for various reasons, but the only time it worked was for a painful tooth.  Even then, the time honored technique of sticking the needle in my toe (or whatever it was) didn't work -- it was only when they stuck the needle in my jaw that I experienced immediate relief.

  8. I've had acupuncture, although not for allergies. It was for a knee injury.

    I'd had weeks of physiotherapy which had barely touched the problem before I was offered acupuncture. The moment those pins came back out of my leg (first session) I could barely feel my injury. One more session and I couldn't feel it at all.

    That's not to say it works so dramatically for everyone. My father had a back injury and he had to have repeated sessions of acupuncture (amongst various other treatment). The acupuncture helped, but he is still not recovered. Never will be (ADD: he won't fully recover because of how bad the injury was, not because of the acupuncture!!).

    I can't explain how it works, but it worked for me and it stands up to clinical trials.

  9. I think you should try it.  It's cost effective and it may work.  Just give it a try.  If it doesn't work then oh well.  Maybe try chiropractic also.  My friend here at school never had allergies until she moved to the states.  She went to see an Upper Cervical Chiropractor and it is the only thing that helps her allergies.   Like I is worth a try and can't hurt

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