
Acuvue Contacts?

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What is the difference between Acuvue Advance, Acuvue 2, and Acuvue Oasys?




  1. all is bi-weekly. oasys is the better lenses as compared to advance and acv 2.

  2. Acuvue 2 are just basic lenses. They have UV protection and are visibility tinted.

    Acuvue Advanced are made out of Hydraclear. Hydraclear is a remarkable moisture rich element that creates a unique, soft, silky feeling. they also have UV protection and are visibility tinted.

    Acuvue Oasys are mad with Hydraclear plus are more wettable, ultra smooth material then the regular Hydra clear.  And these lenses are also  Visibility tintes and uv protected.

    * Visibility tint is a slight tint that you don't notice when it is in your eyes, it just helps you see you lens in your solution.

    They are all good lenses. But if you have dry eyes the ones with the hydraclear usually work better. Consult a doctor and they can get you fitted for them and usually they will give you a trial pair so you can try them out.

  3. All 3 are different materials, and different water content.

    The Oasys has only 38% water content so it dries out the least....requiring less tear film to keep it hydrated.

    The Advance has 47 % water content, and the Acuvue 2 has 58%

    Ironically, the lower the water content, the better it is for dry eyes.

  4. I don't know about advance and acuvue 2, but I use oasys which is supposed to keep your eyes/contacts from getting dry.  I still need eyedrops occasionally but I find them pretty good - better than the regular acuvue I used to use.
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