
Adam & Eve arrived on earth when dinosaur still exist?

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i've always confuse with timing of the past and everything. Especially this argument. Adam and Eve step on earth during what time? is it during dinosaur still walking or is it before or is it after the extinction of dinosaur?




  1. People can guess, argue, quote the bible, and go crazy with items of "proof" about this, but really:  No one truly knows.  I don't believe there is any way to honestly know that.  Just because they weren't mentioned in the bible doesn't mean they weren't there, but it doesn't mean they were, either.  I guess it's just one of those mysteries which will remain a mystery...although people will still fight about it.

  2. This really ought to be in the R&S section as you'll get much more answers. I believe that God created the dinosaurs during the six-day creation and they were wiped out in the Great Flood

  3. Mankind was a little shrew-like mammal at the time of the dinosaurs.

    Adam and Eve didn't show up until a couple of million years ago.

  4. I think that there was dinosaurs on earth when Adam and Eve were around. Some of them were wiped out with the Great Flood. God created the dinosaurs but they were vegetarian before the flood. Then they were meat eating after the flood. I really don't think they ate people like tv shows show it.  

  5. this is one of the biggest debates among christians... its one of those things that you need to interpret yourself. but at the end of the day we need to remember that the main thing is that we keep the main thing as the main thing, meaning that keeping your eyes on jesus is more important at the end of the day then bible interpretation

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