I was wondering if anyone else out there using the Adat xt 20 recorders see the interpolation light flash on their adats wile using the Quantegy tapes. My adats are 3 months old and did this from the start using the Quantagy tapes. Alesis said that they dont recoment the Quantegy tapes any more because of this problem and recomend the Maxell. Quantagy (formerly Ampex) is the most common tape sold it all music stores and finding the Maxell is touph. Everytime the light flashes an error on the BRC flashes and its getting annoying. Its only intermitent but everything seems to come out perfect.If any other adat xt 20 users experience this please let me know.IF YOUR AN ALESIS ADAT BASHER PLEASE KEEP YOUR 2 CENTS.Thanks Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network # Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own