
Add boyfriend to credit card?

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I am trying to help my longterm boyfriend up his credit score by about 5 points so that we can put a bid in on a house. When I call to add him, what will they ask me? Social security number? What else?

P.S. Please no lectures on "be careful he could s***w u!" because even though I trust him, he won't have a copy of my card.




  1. They will ask you basic demographic questions (address, phone, etc.) and may also send you a form that he has to sign so they have his signature on file.  

    One option is to get a credit card for something like gas purchases and add him to it.  That way when you pay at the pump, he won't need to show  ID every time he wants to use the card.  Pay well on that, and his credit score could jump up quickly and significantly.

  2. If you link him to your credit...................YOU will be linked to his. AND it's almost impossible to do. YOU WILL BE SORRY

  3. Not a lecture but why doesn't he just go get a card of his own.  Apparently his credit is almost good enough to get a house so getting a card should be a snap.  ANyhow, beyond that I'm not sure what they will need but probably his social sec #, address, phone, dob; the usual stuff.  Just have him in the room when you call.

  4. Usually, that's all.

  5. Let your boyfriend get his  credit on his own. Better to be safe now than sorry later.

  6. If your plan is to add him as an authorized user to increase his score, it might not work.  FICO has new rules on authorized users.  A spouse or child listed as an authorized user would count in their score.  But since you aren't married, making him an authorized user own't help his score at all.

    The credit card is the least of your worries.  Buying a house jointly with someone you are not married to is the really bad idea.  If your relationship goes south, you will be stuck.  

  7. It's safer if he doesn't get his own card!! My bf had a credit card (in his own name) i swear they are worse than women!!

    I think all the usual dob stuff regular questions. You should know most of that anyway.  

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