
Add on to "friend treating foal badly"?

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ok, well i got alot of respons, many of you supported me, but i have to add this, this is not a case of animal abuse, the filly has no broken bones, scars bruises, or anything like that, i see it as mistreating. some of you asked me to be more specific, so i will

she grabs it around chest and rump like your supposed to, but then pulls it down she sometimes will grab the neck, and she will ask me to pull its legs out from under it when it starts to go down (i do refuse) she says that it is so the filly will respect her and it makes it easier to work with it, but the foal then wont let her catch it and seems scared. when i go in there alone the foal is fine, and after a bit will follow me around and be sweet and loving, and calm, and not scared, but i dont know, you can still give me feedback please : )




  1. If you don't like the way she is doing something and she says that she will keep laying the foal down then I have a more humane way that acutally does help them gain trust and respect. It is Endo's TAP. What you do is turn the horses head so that it is close to the shoulder, you keep it like that until it starts to look dozy then you rock them until their weight is on the opposite leg. Then they should lay down nicely and once on the ground you give them lots of love and pets and make it a nice experience. Your friend doesn't seem to know what she is doing, and even for the TAP she should wait until the foal is at least 1 or 2. She shouldn't be laying it down right now she should just be befriending it.

  2. Im very glad that you dont help in this. Its not something where someone can take the foal away.

    But thats not something she should be doing any way. She should relize that the foal is running away from her because it doesnt have respect for her. The foal is scared of her, and that will not be easy to work with.

    Why would she want to knock the foal down to the ground if it didnt do anything.

    Tell her the only way to gain an animals respect is by TLC.

    With horses they can grow very attacted to an owner. But you have to gain there respect. ANd forcing them to do something they dont want to do is no way of getting respect.

    Tell your friend this

    OK i know you want the foal to respect you, but making her do something that she doesnt want to do will only make her fear you, and harder to work with. So try just giving her love with out pushing her to the ground for a while and see if that helps at all. Im not trying to be mean or say i know whats best. Its just something worth trying while you can.

    I really hope that helps.

    Have her try clicker training its one of the best methods of training.

    Oh and since the foal is only a week old. She is still learning her boundries, so thats were it can be tough. I know someone when there foal acts bad (bites them) the push there bum down. But not knocking of there feet there really is no use for that.

    go to that website, and ask for the best methods on training a foal. you can make a new tab by going to the bottom of the threads, and click on start new thread. you do have to sign up but its free and really easy to do.

    they know how to train and care for foals, they have been doing it for years.

    best of luck!

  3. Your friend is ignorant and cruel.  It kind of sounds like she may be unsuccessfully trying to use some imprinting techniques but has not a single clue about what she is doing.  You should get someone of authority involved immediately before she severely injures or kills the baby.  No wonder she can't catch it, you wouldn't want to be caught either if you were going to experience pain and be terrorized by a moron.  SPEAK UP.  You have to try to help this baby and your "friend's" feelings are not important.  I could not be friends with someone who behaves this way.  This behavior is unacceptable and someone needs to stop her.  Call anyone responsbile and/or knowledgeable about horses.  Talk to anyone who can have an influence on this person.  Call the police, the humane society, anybody - just stop this idiot.  Someone should remove the foal or at least forbid her access to the foal.  The foal will not respect her.  She will fear her and hate her until she is strong enough to defend herself if she lives that long.  This is wrong, and it is abuse, even if it is a result of stupidity.

  4. You know you can just add details to your question rather than asking another question? just letting you know...

  5. MYTH:  abuse involves physical damage.  

    This is abuse of the worst sort.  Mental.  what she is doing wont teach the foal to respect her.  It will teach it to fear her, and as soon as it is able it will fight back,  And someone will get hurt.

    dont wait till the foal has to be put down with a broken leg.   Speak up.  OR call  animal control now.    Your friend needs to learn how to properly relate to a animal.. and not own any now.

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