ok, well i got alot of respons, many of you supported me, but i have to add this, this is not a case of animal abuse, the filly has no broken bones, scars bruises, or anything like that, i see it as mistreating. some of you asked me to be more specific, so i will
she grabs it around chest and rump like your supposed to, but then pulls it down she sometimes will grab the neck, and she will ask me to pull its legs out from under it when it starts to go down (i do refuse) she says that it is so the filly will respect her and it makes it easier to work with it, but the foal then wont let her catch it and seems scared. when i go in there alone the foal is fine, and after a bit will follow me around and be sweet and loving, and calm, and not scared, but i dont know, you can still give me feedback please : )