
Add to my story plz.

by  |  earlier

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ok, when you are writing yours, plz also write the previos sentence that you are adding to, b/c it gets all jumbled up with so many ppl doing it at once.

here it goes:

there once was a man who had......




  1. Who lost his buns. There fore he could no longer eat hamburgers

  2. There once was a man who had a great plan...

  3. There once was a man who had a great plan, to rid the world of evil, but all he had with him was only a spoon. He...<continue please =) >

  4. there once was a man who had...... to write a continous story on yahoo answers, but couldn't do it because you never know what the last answer was.

  5. there once was a man who had... a monkey and everywhere that man went the monkey was sure to go

  6. there once was a man who had a lame girlfried on yahoo answers who had dumb riddles!


  7. There once was a man who had genital herpes. XD

  8. to rid the world from evil
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