
Added Pool Shock for the first time into my pool and now the water is green?

by Guest66706  |  earlier

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I added some pool shock into the pool and my water turned green, i don't know what happened but i really want my water blue again i need someone to help me with this problem, thanks




  1. im not an expert by no means but i have a 18x4ft pool and had a very hard time last year. i did some research on it all winter and found that i can use reg clorox and baking hammer baking soda and borax to controll my water and it is crystal clear this year .if u can  tell me what size your pool is and how much shock u used i might be able to help u

  2. For a 15x4 you should not use a whole gallon of shock.

    I have but twoo weeks before swimming

    Did you add Algae treatment first? That will create a green color?

    Any other pool treatments?

    You can add 1/4 cup of bleach. At your local Walmart you can by the test for maybe $10. This will tell you if it's safe and you will have enought to test it over the summer.

    You don't want anyone in there until you work it out. Skin can irritaite and young kids tend to ingest the water while playing!!


    Edit- If you used a one pound bags for a 15x4 pool you have to much shock (this doesn't neceassarily explain green water)

    When adding chemicals you really need to be precise.

    It is per 1000 gallons of water in your pool. So 15x4 round I am guessing maybe 5-6000 gallons of water. DON'T trust me

    Use the pool info. If you do not have it you can look it up on line.

    I will suggest again getting a chem kit. it will last you all summer to keep your water safe.

    Your water it's self may be the issue (hard, iron) which you need to add different chems. (I have to add spcial stuff due to high iron in my water)

    All of these are fairly cheap if you get them at walmart. But first buy the kit and then the right chems. not the other way around. The kids will be swimming the next day !!!!! That's as long as it takes :-)

    I hope this was helpful

  3. TEST! Your alkalinity or pH could be way off.

    Always test your water. The strips are easy & work fine.

    If you are near a pool store or ACE Hardware thst tests pool water, by all means take in a sample.

    Ask them to test for metals, as this could be your problem.

  4. I belive that you put in to much Shock.

    I suggest that you do not swim in the water and give it a chance to clear up. Also you should call the pool store that you bought it from to clear things up and find out what you can do

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