
Added info to previous question?

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Just to clarify:

My mum dreamt about the sniper attack a day or two BEFORE it actually happened, so there was no chance that she had heard it on the news and her sub-conscious mind had incorporated it into her dream. I know that if the news was playing while she was sleeping, then that would be the answer, and I wouldn't be asking this question. My question is then how did she dream about the sniper attack BEFORE it actually happened, with perfect though distorted recollection of the actual events?




  1. On a given night, probably 10,000 dream about an airplane crash and forget it. That one time every 4 years when one does crash they are self proclaimed psychics. It was coincidence; accept it.

  2. Sounds like a coincidence.  You have about 10 dreams a night or more, you just don't remember them usually unless something triggers that memory - like something similar happening in real life.

  3. Could be preminition. Does she do this often, or was it a one time thing? Many people have prophetic dreams. This may not have been a preminition but it may have been the terrorists were psychically connected to your mother at tthe time and she was merely dreaming what they were planning. I she has prophetic drams sometime, I will say that is what was going on, but if not I will lean toward the psychic connection.


  4. Gene and eri are VERY correct. Probably a coincidence. As to those who believe the terrorists were psychically connected to her... How do you propose that she was connected? Telephone wires?

    I know I'm going to get lots of Thumbs Down like Gene and eri, so I'm prepared. By the way, I gave you (to Gene and eri) a Thumbs Up.

    And by the way, MYSTERIOUS BOB:

    Gene is Top Contributor and you are not because Gene does not go around on random tirades against other answerers. Neither do I. Just a thought....

    And to whoever agrees with me, give this bob guy Thumbs Down.

  5. To begin with, there IS an answer in this post here. This next bit below is for that one answerer called Gene. I hope they are reading this.

    <deep breath>

    Gene, do you have NOTHING better to do than sit around being a cynical skeptic? If you don't believe in this stuff, then do us all a favor and GO AWAY. Oh, and it is not your mission to make people "see truth" by pulling random "facts" out of your rear end that you think prove you to be smarter. Is that how you are a "top contributor?" By being sarcastic, cynical, and ending nearly every post with "join us in the 21st century?" You practically copy and paste the same line. Is it your email signature? If not, it should be. If you want to crush valid ideas, then get on a plane and go join the dictator of North Korea, he would love that kind of attitude for his country. Or you could go to China. I am sure you would have some wonderful ideas on how to make censorship more of a stumbling block to learning. Then again, even the dictators would get sick of your sarcasm and then they would execute you. In fact, this seems like better idea every minute. So, if you want to oppose this asker's aquisition of knowledge at least bother to read the question! His mother dreamt it EXACTLY as it happened, it was not just a generic airplane-crash dream. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about and you are certainly not contributing here in any way.

    Wow, that felt good.


    See my post over on that first question for my original answer (which goes unchanged despite my anti-Gene tirade).

    Oh, by the way, you can actually add this stuff directly to the first question instead of making a new one. I don't mind either way, but if you care about points it costs ten points to submit a question, and if you want to save points that is how.

    And yes I realize that I could have made this a comment. Sorry that I am not really adding anything new but I will restate that the phenomenon is fairly common and many people exprience it. People may see it differently, like it might be metaphorical for some people or literal like for your mother. It all stems from a deep, sub-conscious "connected-ness" through which we receive information because while dreaming we come into contact with the part of us that transcends time and space and has this info already. If it seems important, our subconscious may just pass it on.

    Oh, and Gene... go away.

  6. Let me ask you this, how good is your dream recall 3 minutes after you awaken? Maybe something happens in the day to trigger a memory or two, but nobody can recall the amount of detail that you gave one day later. It's a coincidence. Dream memory s unreliable and we tend to fill in dream-memory gaps. I know that answer isn't very exciting and we all want "special" things to happen in our lives, but not this time. Sorry.

  7. this is what happens on Medium when this psychic has dreams of killings and then helps to sort out the murder

  8. She was remembering the future. It happens. Some call it Deja' Vu.

  9. People are very very phsycic if they let themselves go.  It is possible to dream of future events, I know of someone who has done that.  It is very strange, yes, but it's just the same as how an animal can predict paranormal activity, or even basic things like earthquakes.

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