
Adderall abuse???? ........?

by Guest55946  |  earlier

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i have taken adderall 2 times now and i am not subscribed. it just makes me have more energy and such. how bad is it really for your body? i don't plan on doing it a lot just maybe every once and a while. can i die from this? i don't take a lot. only one or two pills at a time. this is a serious question. i don't want to put my life at risk




  1. You won't die unless you are allergic to it, or have some sort of secret heart condition. (Which are real risks you run when taking medicine that wasn't prescribed for you, however small those risks may be.)

    The real risk from Adderall is dependency. The more you use it to get things done, study, whatever, the more you feel that you can't do those things without the drug. Also, the drug can dehydrate you, make you jittery, lose your appetite, and even cause insomnia.

    I used Adderall (not prescibed) a couple times, and I definitely experienced all those effects. I couldn't sleep for 48 hours once. And the more you use it, the more you need to take (dosage) for the same effects... and eventually you WILL run the risk of overdose, because you don't know how much is too much until it's too late.

    There are also reports of social problems that can arise sometimes from long-term use of ADD medications. And anything else in your system, like caffeine, can have bad and unpredictable effects on your body when combined with Adderall.

    I quit before I became dependent on it (only used it 2 or 3 times), and I suggest you do too! Plus, it can be a felony to posses those types of medications without a prescription, for the record.

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