
Addicted to Energy drinks really need help coming off ?

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three years ago, I suddenly lost my mum, my partner walked out on me, and since then i've become reliant on energy drinks, at my worst last year I was drinking 4 litres a day, and not eating, I've cut right down, and down to 1 litre a day.. I'm moody, memory seems to of got worse. However I've read over the last few days that i'm not alone in my addiction to energy drinks! Is there anyone that can offer me some advice, what I might expirience whilst going "cold turkey" coming off. I feel like i'm in a catch 22 situation, tired when i wake up, then drink some fizzy shall we say, then not tired in the night.

Would really like some help coming off, and to feel human again




  1. It sounds like you are the addicted to these drinks , and they are not really good for you . the only advice Ican offer you is go and see your GP.

  2. Quit cold turkey.  You will probably experience some extreme exhaustion all the time, since you are not getting the caffeine boost.  You will also get headaches and feel moody.  Drink a lot of water in order to flush your system.  You should feel better within a week's time.

  3. This sounds more like a psychological addiction than it is a physical one. You should NOT quit cold turkey. If you do this you will experience significant withdrawal effects which could affect your current social / working life. I would recommend a gradual drop in the amount you consume per day. Cut from 1 litre to .5 litre gradually in the first week. Then from .5 litre to a tiny shot a day in the second week. When ever you feel like you are "craving" an energy drink, mix up a smoothie or drink some water.

    As for the lost of your mother and your partner, I am deeply sorry. I recommend talking it out with someone, either a friend or a professional if it is affecting you enough to interfere with your social/working life. When you get over this problem, the addiction to energy drinks will fall too (as I said before, this seems like a psychological addiction based on prior traumatic experiences).

  4. The easiest way to quit is to just NOT DRINK them. That sounds easier than it is. You will have cravings an weak moments.

    Every time a craving passes and you conquer a  weak moment you will feel stronger and be stronger.

    To get energy naturally exercise every day. As soon as the alarm goes off in the morning start your exercise program. It can be something simple like walking or you could go to a gym. Make sure there is aerobic exercise involved.

    Drink water. Your system operates best on water. You will have natural energy and feel much better.

    Get some counseling. Either professional or in a 12 step program for the addiction. Also talk to a grief counselor about your dad. If you can understand these issues, it will be easier to beat your addiction.

  5. Instead of drinking energy drinks, drink this:

    1 teaspoon honey

    2 teaspoons Raw, organic apple cider vinegar

    Mix into 8oz of water & drink before meals.

    Great energizer, no crash, and it's a natural antiobiotic as well! -*D*

  6. I felt the same way. It was easier than I thought- just step down your consumtion - if you're at 4 drinks per day, the 1st week limit yourself to 1 in the morning (pace yourself), then one for the whole afternoon. Work yourself down to one drink per day. Coffee doesn't seem to mess with your memory as much, either, if you like it.

    I ended up feeling alot better and more productive without energy drinks.

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