
Addictions.... and how to recognise them?

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Well, I have this friend and I think he might be addicted to [s*x] cause he went into the city to deliver some documents and while he was there he thought to himself that he could have a shower at the gym (costing $3 for towel hire) or he could go to a steam room (costing $13 for the lunch time special) and maybe have some [s*x] while he is there.

So three hours and 15-20 sexual encounters later (he loses count) he made his way back to work... feeling a little weary. Now seems to me this friend of mine has had something like over 100 partners in a month. Apart fom telling him the obvious risks that this behaviour entails ... what would you recommend?




  1. Ma-a-a-ate; you're only young once and if you're wearing protection what does it matter?

    Just be careful; always give a false name; never drink from the same waterhole more than once; never call them by name.


  2. Carrying around a few trojans packed neatly into a hello kitty change purse that just seems wrong to me.  

  3. If it does not interfere with your friend making his chedda on time, then in my house this is foreplay. If it fcks up the c note counting then I say

    Intervention, whips handcuffs and some feathers in case it gets a little dicey with your friend. That is all I am going to say on this

    computer is fcked i said that woo hoooo

  4. here is a good definition of an addiction:

    "An addiction is a recurring compulsion to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences to the individuals health, mental state or social life. The term is often reserved for drug, alcohol and nicotine addictions but is also applied to other compulsions such as compulsive overeating, and/or s*x."

    If your friend has an addiction there's not a thing you can do to change it.  The best gift you can give him is to help him recognize that he has one.  Also, give him the information he needs to find help for recovery from it.  Other than that there's not much you can do.  He has to want to change.  He may not be ready for that yet.

    As you know, it's extremely risky business he's engaged in.

  5. addiction is anything that is an obsession, or compulsive.  

  6. From what i have studied at uni i think he may have a problem every ones s*x drives are different and some more ravenous then others but it is a good idea for him to get checked as well because of all the partners he may pick up an std. Its no ones place to say its to much but the various partners are a worry and you may want to persuade him to see a doctor.

  7. There are s*x addiction programs and s*x counselors out there. I would say that he has a definite problem. I know someone who was like that. It is a hard habit to break.  

  8. You can regognise addictions when people start doing things like lie about where they are going or what they are doing, if they steel money to afford the object of addiction or They go into frustrated angry withdrawels when they cant have it. If your friend does not have these things then he is probably just a super horney guy, or he is inflating the number of people he is actually having s*x with to get some kind of reaction from you.

  9. Your friend is f**king awesome! But don't touch him, since he might give you a disease!

  10. Abstinence. Rehab centers? Scare him that he has STD, HIV, AIDS?

  11. Well, my speculation is that if you're going to be addicted to anything, at least s*x would be one of the healthier choices (provided you use protection) compared to other choices, such as drugs or alcohol.

    I'd personally recommend that this "friend", if his addiction isn't controllable or he does not want to give it up, to at least have the encounters in as lavish surroundings as possible (ie: beautiful expensive hotel penthouses, aboard luxury yachts, in the elevators of very tall buildings (such as the Space Needle in Seattle), in a quiet alcove at the back of a tasteful,  opulent restaurant. Just a few examples...

    There isn't any point having this kind of addiction unless you're gonna do it in style, doll....

    ps. this pixie wonders if the "friend" is really Prof Icy.......  

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