
Adding a Title to your passport.?

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I am a UK citizen and have recently bought a 1 metre x 1 metre plot of land in Scotland. I have received a certificate to say that I am Laird N... J….. T……. of cross Cairn. The land was bought to preserve the Scottish heritage. By buying only 1m2, it makes it difficult for any large property developer to buy the land and turn it in to housing.. etc. and therfore preserving the land.

The second part of my question is, I am currently applying for a renewal of my British passport. Can I add the title of Laird (and therefore Lord) to my application of the new passport? Will the passport office accept a title on my application without proof of that title. Dr, Prof, Laird, Lord or Sir?




  1. Yes you can put your Laird title on your passport and driving license.

  2. Nope sorry

  3. Yes they will accept the title but must give them the certificate to view (no ID, no proof, not added). If you give add in the certificate with the rest of your passport application and add in something in the comments that say that you want the title in they can put a note in the comments saying that you are "also known as...".

    The holder is or Holder is also known as ...

    This endorsement is found in passports where the holder uses or retains another professional name or has an academic, feudal or legal title. The styling 'Dr ...', 'Professor ...' or similar is recorded here, or the alternative professional name. This is on the back of the photo page (which shows your main details) for the Brits now.

    The Brits still have a strong sense of the class system in the UK. ^_^

  4. Well, I'm a doctor and my government does not indicate that in my passport.  I doubt that the U.K. will include titles of nobility in passports.  Basically, the passport contains only basic identification information.

  5. No, you can't..You have to do it with court.

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