
Adding a new switch and light to an existing circuit.?

by  |  earlier

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I am adding recessed spotlights to a room that already has a fan with a light kit. The existing fan is controlled by a single pole switch and everything is 12/2. I would like to add the new spotlights but I would like to have them on a different switch so they can be independent of the existing lights. I have power running from the breaker to the existing switch and from the switch to the existing lights. How can I add a new switch tapping into the power coming into the existing switch? I understand how to wire the new lights in I'm just not sure how to bring power to the new switch and then on to the new lights? Is it possible to daisy chain the supply from the existing switch to the supply of the new switch and then run my wiring to the new lights? If so how?




  1. Before you start make sure that there is not too much power in that one circuit, with the fan and all the new lights. If you want to add that switch it will have to be tied in with the existing electrical before that other switch, anything past that switch will be turned on or off by the existing switch. Start from where the wire comes in before the switch, then add your switch for the other lights, from that switch run your wiring up and put your lights in series. To connect the wiring to the existing wiring (before the other switch) add a junction box, that will allow you to tie in with the existing. I think it would be much easier to just tie in the lights from the fan junction box and not add another swich, just use the pull strings on your fan to turn the fan light on/off.

  2. Use the incoming hot wire to the existing switch.

    Remove the hot wire from the existing switch where it comes in from the breaker to the switch (not after the switch).

    Create a pigtail with it. (Meaning splice another wire into the existing hot wire with a wire nut creating 2 wires, it will look like the letter Y)

    Now put 1 back on the old switch.

    Put the remaining wire of your new pigtail to your new switch. Run the neutral(white) wire all the way to the light.

    (The O's below represent your 2 switches)

    (The Y is your pigtail)


                      O O


  3. Take the power coming to the existing fan and add a wire to it, going to another switch.  From this switch you can run a wire to your additional lighting.  This works only if the incoming power to your fan does really come to the switch.  There sould be a black and a white wire going to the switch.  If this is so, add a black wire to the black incoming wire and a white to the incoming white wire.

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