
Adding too much sulfur to an onion field what would happen?

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Suppose a friend of mine would add too much sulfur to his onion field thinking that it was a fertilizer, what would happen to the field, and the crops. How does the plant store sulfur?




  1. just because he applied a heavy dose of sulfur doesnt mean the plant will suck it all up.  but it will have an effect on the soils chemistry.  large doses of sulfur can be very beneficial if the soil is high in magnesium or sodium.  it will help remove these substances from the soil colloid allowing N, P,K, occupy the space. if the soil was balanced before i would make sure i had it tested after the sulfur has had enough time to break down (about a year).

  2. You will raise the acidity levels markedly...As to the end result you do the math when anything is thrown out of balance.

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