the reason for this question is this. when i look at the load
manager of a B747-400, and i press the button "full" plane, i see then the plane on which every seat and every cargo place is occupied. by additioning all this so called "payload" (passengers and cargo), i have a mass of about 84 tons. as the plane weighs about 170 tons (without the payload and fuel), and you addition the 84 tons of payload, you have then a zero fuel weight of about 264 tons. BUT: it is written that it is just allowed to have about 246 tons maximum zero fuel weight. this all means that you cannot have maximum payload, because otherwise you would be over the MFW.
However, if i would fuel the plane up with maximum fuel (about 132 tons with this weight), i would have a take-off weight of about 397 tons, which is by the way also the maximum take-off weight.
the point: maximum payload plus so much fuel that you are on max. take-off weight is OK, but the load manager would not allow max. payload.