
Additional overseas pay?

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When you are stationed overseas (Army) is your basic pay taxed? And what additional pay do you receive for being overseas (Germany)?




  1. Your wages are always taxed and there is no extra pay for non-combat assignments overseas.

  2. yes you still get taxed sometimes states wont take the state tax out on military members stationed overseas..and you should get cola..cost of living can vary for overseas locations its to help offset the dollar against the foreign currency..and because you are going to pay more for food etc.

  3. pay is still taxed unless he deploys to a designated Hostile Zone

       you get OHA instead of BAH but is only the exact amount of rent up to the ceiling for the paygrade.   a small utilities allowance( in local currency as well) is also included. assuming you live ion the economy.  if not.. no OHA.

    COLA for every family member, with children getting a smaller amount than the adults.  

  4. The only time your pay is non taxable is if you are in a No-Tax zone which right now is Iraq/Afghanistan area.  If you are stationed at a OCONUS base like Germany or Japan you continue to pay Federal and State Income Tax.

    The only extra you will get is COLA - Cost of Living Allowance.  That is based on zip code of command, rank/rate, years in, how many dependents if any and if you are living in barracks or not.  

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