
Address change for car insurance?

by  |  earlier

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i'm currently relocating to CA from Missouri for work, and i have to do a bunch of changes of address. but now geico decided to raise insurance premium if i change the address. so i'm wondering if is it necessary to change address now, or is it better to just wait till the renewal time comes around to change it.

any thoughts would be welcome. thanks!




  1. It is not easy to answer your question in one words,you would better find it out here yourself.

  2. I would let them know the change of address now.  When the renewal comes around....odds are, you will be busy with life and likely to forget to call the insurance company and update your address.  They send the bill to the old address....which is all they are required to do.....they are not required to try and hunt you down........the bill does not get paid and you end up driving around w/o insurance. Murphy's law will kick in and that's when you will have a wreck.  

    So, update the address now while you are doing all the others.

    Not worth the risk.

  3. Since you agreed to notify them of any thing that would change your risk factor when you signed up, you have to notify them of the change of address.  If you don't, and happen to need coverage, they have an out to deny you.  

    Yes, in some cases moving will increase your risk factor and cause a rate increase.  That's part of life.

    To quote Larry, the cable guy, "get 'er done".

  4. Pretty normal for your rate to change.  Calif. is probably one of the highest costing states for insurance.

    You do need to let them know of your residence change, could affect you in the future if there are claims submitted.

  5. you need to do it now as the car has to be rated where it is garaged.  if the premium is too high cancel it and find another company.

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